So I knit in public on the special day assigned just to that extraordinary effort. I took my portable little bag, cute as it was, and sat down on the sidewalk in an outdoor restaurant location. I ordered and calmly (with much chic!) took out my sock-in-progress, and knit away. It has been a couple of weeks since the day assigned to knitting in public and I keep thinking----- why in the world did such a day occur and why do we need a special day for it? If it is educating the non-knitting masses I say just get out there and knit for pete's sake! So much has been said about feeling strange when knitting in public---- or getting comments, etc. I have to tell you, I do knit socially, and 'out' and never have much at all in the way of anything special. Maybe it is just me! After all one of the things that I've worked hard at is to come to a place in my life where I really don't care what people think of me.
Okay, most of the time. I do find it very uncomfortable----even horrific---- when people don't like me. Why doesn't everyone love me? I am a lovable and fabulous person after all!!!!!
So, keep on knitting---- get out there and do what pleases you, knit what and when you want. Life is just too short to do otherwise.
I just finished another tote bag for my knitting (speaking of knitting in public). I am addicted to lovely bags for no other reason than I just like to have a nice variety to carry around. I mean, you have to coordinate with your outfits---- right? This one is from the Cat Bordhi pattern available at her website, and the yarn is Fleece Artist. I have the bones of two more bags in the sewing room as well, creations that have no pattern except for the one I'm working out as I go. They are not-knitted and really fab, I'll share as they come along.
In another vein of knitting, rather sorrowful----- I removed the yarn from 3/4 of an entire sock last night. There was no graceful frogging, no elegant picking, no dainty stitch removal, heck no. I think I'm very close to giving up on my socks on circs and going back to my dependable dpi's. I hate to say it, I've been SO devoted to learning this technique. But alas------ the last bit just did me in yesterday and the entire knitted sock right up to the incredibly addlepated gusset is now wound right back onto the ball. Sigh. I would pick up my dpi's if I didn't already have a sock from the circs completed and needing a match. So I'm taking a breath today, getting caught back up into the Zen of it all. Sometimes that is just hard fought!
Thanks for cruisin' my blog. I really enjoyed reading yours. You have a terrific way with words! :)
Beautiful purse. Love the colors.
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