One week from today is Christmas Eve! It always sneaks up on a gal, this year was no exception. How are you doing on your preparations??? I'm actually in great shape..... giving myself the gift of some slack really helped a lot. We never care for ourselves first and I'll have to remember that it does, generally speaking, pay off.
Last night was the annual trek to St. Charle*s, a lovely little destination with cobblestone streets and old houses turned into shops of all quaint happiness. The river is right in back of Main Street and the new ice skating rink there was filled with lots of folks having a great time. Not me, my skating forte is watching hockey! I came to enjoy the lights, soak in the carolers and fife and drummers, the Victorian decorations, the shop windows and to grab a bite to eat.

When darkness came the lights really popped on the shops.

Main Street looked like a Main Street in our Christmas hearts SHOULD!

My favorite little storefront looked like the one above, red (my favorite color) and all decked out.

This shop was enormous and loaded with the most gorgeous wreaths and Santas, decorations and trees, just a feast for the eyes. I wanted it all and having recently downsized and sorted through tubs and tubs and tubs of decorations the last thing I needed was something new.

The Fife and Drum core lent a festive air to the evening, too bad the drum guy has such a bad case of the evil red eye!

This used to be my favorite shop, I've picked up a few great things from here over the years, including the little vintage washboard and quilt scrap currently in my laundry room---- now it is a wine shop.

Do you get enough of holiday lights? We all decided that while it was gorgeous, a dusting of snow would have indeed been icing on the cake.

And carriage rides---- of course! We didn't indulge but they were very busy. One of the horses, named Fred, was acting up in the carriage line. I think Fred might get coal in his stocking this year.

I adored this window------ the happy juxtaposition of a vintage home with a more current vintage aluminum tree. What happened to that aluminum tree I remember from my childhood? Long gone I suppose, and now they are so chic!

And Santa always center court, ho ho ho.
I've managed to knit a bit as the madness at work wound down. The simplest of things like one and 3/4 neckwarmers of super chunky yarns with funky buttons---- and I plan on finishing the thumbs on the skull mittens this afternoon. I'll take pics, really I will!
I'm out of the studio until the New Year, blessed to be able to work from home a bit and really settle in and enjoy the week leading up to Christmas. (I'm so excited, can you tell???) A little baking, a lot of enjoying, and hopefully some knitting in the mix. We made some simple soy candles for gift baskets this year, to be tucked in with the butterscotch haystacks, the peanut butter kisses, the spritz, the marshmallows and the fudge. (All of which to be made this weekend!) It was so much fun!

The collection of little glasses, the wicks, the fragrance (pine tree and cinnamon buns), and colorant awaited!

The soy wax was really easy to melt, I used my craft use only glass cup in an electric skillet on simmer. That and a chopstick (along with some patience) and it all muddled down. Add the chosen fragrance and color, mix and pour into wicked glasses..................
Love 'em!