Happy Saturday to the 'blitters'................ may you find lovely weather, abundant health, enough in your coffers to keep you in yarn, and with time to knit! Who could add more to such a blessing?
Thanks to Dharmafey from Socks in the City for the amusing comment on the blog! Yes my dear, I think that in my experience almost all knitters (and creative sorts in general) have very short attention spans---- and yes isn't it wonderful that we are so easily distracted by pretty yarn and the like? Giving up sleep......... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it is hard to recommend, yes it is. I am probably old enough to be your mother (a young mother, don't get me wrong) and sleep is just flat highly overrated! When I was young I could sleep until my tiara tarnished----- and now, I log about 5 hours a night. Mind you, I'm not terribly productive at midnight, but I am awake! Perhaps it is not the giving up of sleep that will add stitches to my needles but something along the lines of better late night focus??? Of course I could give up walking, that would add about an hour and a half back into my day! That won't work because it is the time I listen to knitting podcasts after I have sufficiently sweated myself silly with fast paced intervals of huffing and puffing, as well as just time to clear out the work and breathe in the abundance. Thank you blitters for having the graciousness and ultimate kind hearts not to mention that my walking is to make my butt smaller. We all cling to our own realities!
As I walked home today I listened to Lime and Violet------ good silly banter for tired legs. I was reminded again that I am old enough to be their Mother. Their young and sexy, tiara wearing mother. The sign up list starts here girls, who needs a Mum? Advice...... chatter, laughter.... no judgment, ahhhhhhhhhh!
I have such a hankering to start a baby sweater! My favorite niece just had her first child, a sweet little blue flavored baby--- adorable! I have been thinking of exactly what to make him, and going through piles of patterns, clippings, and envelopes. I'm getting close to narrowing it down and have promised myself NOT to fall back on my very favorite baby sweater in the world, I need to expand my horizons no matter how much I adore it! While walking today (sweating profusely and red faced puffing) I passed a (young) Mother (thin) running (!!!!) behind one of those fancy schmancy sleek baby strollers with her iPod on. I wondered if she was listening to a knitting podcast, and judging by her expression decided that she was probably not. I smiled and waggled my fingers at the darling hat-wearing baby. As we passed each other this most amazing, lovely fragrance wafted past me! BABY! Fresh, clean, powdered, incredibly fantastic baby smell! Delicious! I then laughed out loud, and thankfully didn't trip over my own two feet when I wondered if in my walking wake the baby didn't wrinkle up her cute little nose and think--- GAK, what an awful smell from that walking woman!!!
I'm getting very excited for my Knitters Virtual Vacation------ I'm thinking of all sorts of wonderful things with which to spoil my knitter, well besides the obligatory tiara of course! :) I got a good laugh from Hapagirl who commented that she was not to blame for getting me into this! How, she asks is SHE to blame??? Oh dear Hapagirl (my own daughter is a hapa girl), in a late night (why I am not needlelifically productive) knitting blog roam I found you and because you had your questionnaire up I followed the link and, well here we are. I think we shall rephrase from BLAME to thank!
I have gotten precious little knitting done the past couple of days, much to my slight crankyness. In my working life I'm the Creative Director for a wedding photographer and I've been up to my ears in brides. This is (as you can imagine) not always easy nor stress-free! Today's bride should be delightful, at least this is again my reality and I'm clinging to it. I did get my socks a wee bit further along after a bit of Reverse Knitting. Remind me again how much lovelier circular needle knitting for socks is????? I got all discombobulated after turning the heel, don't ask me how. Please! But after a trip to see my friend Sandy at Knitorious I think my head is turned back around now. I will be knitting away after the wedding today, you can count on it. Bet I get to that baby sweater soon too!!! :)
1 comment:
Hi Contessa,
I hope today's bride was delightful! I often make jewelry for bridal parties; some brides can be...challenging? May you have precious few "Bridezillas" in your future!
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