Secondly I'll say is that those knitter girls were no boogerin' help whatsover in helping me decide whether or not the beginnings of the spring green silk shawl were going to work, whether it needed to be sized down, or whether the "THANG" that the silk yarn brings to the shawl party is going to make it all relatively moot. The word seems to be knit for a bit longer. I'm not sure how long a bit is so for the moment I'm intent on finishing the last 6 rows on the happy green socks. That will be one item finished and the void they leave in my knit world shall be filled with something mitteny. I think.
Friend Francis (who is a knitter of course) was kind enough to get me over the hump with the long languishing (finished) boat cover. It SHALL be frogged and re-knit into the Everyday Cardigan. I'm pretty excited about it although not looking forward to the frogging. There are miles and miles and miles of Cascade Eco to be frogged in the boat cover! I bet I can get TWO regular person sized sweaters out of that ginormous cardi. I'm hoping I can talk Silvana into bringing her swift to knitting next week. How better to frog miles of yarn than with a borrowed swift, some friends and lots of coffee! Then I'm pretty sure I'll have to bring it home, and wet it down, drying with some weight to remove what shall surely be scrunchy squiggles of yarn that will undoubtedly make me crabby. Funny another sweater in the plans when I said that I'd do a season without one! Perhaps I just need to have a sweater in the works! (Even one knit of yarn whose very cream=ness at the height of the endless project of boat coverliness was scorching my retinas!)

Every Bride should be happy oon their wedding day. Good luck frogging....
That's too sad about the Boat Cover! But we can at least all take turns frogging it at knit night...
I will definitely bring the swift next Tuesday, but it would help if you remind me via email in the morning.
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