Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Over-dye Experiment

Remember the yarn I used to knit Citron????

Knitpicks Shadow in Campfire is the yarn. I had MORE (why I can't tell you although there is some dim memory) but didn't want to have another shawl in the same color. Not that I don't like the color but why have yet more in this shade???? What to do, what to do.

Deciding that an over-dying experiment was called for I moved on. The decision was made easier by knowing that I wouldn't use the yarn in this color so even if the experiment proved to be disastrous it would be okay. Freedom at it's best.

Last Sunday early morning while grocery shopping at "The Wal-Mart" (I live a rich life) I passed an aisle with Rit Dye. Now, Rit normally wouldn't be my first choice ----- I'd go schmancier. But as waiting for me to actually PURCHASE other dye, and knowing that this is a shawl after all that won't receive a lot of wear or washing, Rit seemed a good choice!

I wet down the skein fully, filled the sink with 3 gallons of water and about a half a bottle of Rit Scarlet. Stirred up the dye bath, plunked in the wet yarn and stirred a bit off and on for half an hour. At the end of the half hour I carefully rinsed until clear, gave the yarn a squeezy dry off in a towel and hung to dry.

I LOVE the result. A paprika-ish tone of yarn, subtle and nice this spicy red!!! I think the over-dye experiment worked wonderfully! Now.................... what to knit what to knit????

The gold shawl has been blocked and is almost dry, photos to come!


Meredith said...

The yarn looks fantastic, what a great idea!
Can't wait to see it knitted up.
Have a great day,

Anonymous said...

Love the 'new' yarn. You have been churning out projects like gang busters.
I want your energy!