Monday, April 12, 2010

Tangent I

I fear I was around the bend for a short while today! When madly driving home from job one to make job two (sounds more dramatic than it was) I came upon a road closure. Not just any road closure but one imposed by police officers that are getting ready to salute a fallen brother. So sad in any case and so incredible to see up close. The line of cruisers with lights flashing, the long line of officers in uniform ready to salute and people coming out of everywhere to watch and to pay respects.

Youknowwho was riding with me and my tangent ensued when I had a bright idea after my own demise. I think that when I pass away (no rush intended) I shall be burned and boxed as is my request and taped to the hood of my happy red suv with pretty pink duct tape. I insist that the car pass in front of all of my favorite knit shops here in STL. A nice slow drive during which folks will come out and wave their knitting as if to give me a wooly good send off. The giggles led to plans for hand-knit prettiness to cover the box of ashes, something perky and complex if you please. Then I could still go to knit group on Tuesday nights and have a great time. You know, show off your latest and greatest and prop up the lacy covered box against a cup of coffee. I'll go home when it's time and back out again the next week.

Speaking of sad passings, can you believe Dixie Carter died? Awful! I adore Julia Sugarbaker to this day!

My birthday was last Sunday, thanks to those of you who emailed happiness(es). I have never had a birthday where I felt old, or over the hill, or even sad. This one? Freakin' gobsmacked my butt! Kerschplooey. I'm still scraping myself together but delighted that while feeling ancient I am not ensconced in a wooly lace urn cover.


Nancy said...

STL has been hit fairly hard lately with officers down and hurt... it is so sad.

Before my dad passed, he used to tell us that he wanted to be cremated and sit on the mantle (we didn't even HAVE a mantle) and we were to get him a new jar every year...

PamKittyMorning said...

Happy belated birthday! xo

jen duncan said...

YEAH, 52 beats bein' dead, that's fo sho!:-)

Meredith said...

Happy Belated Birthday, and I love the chicken. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.