Friday, July 22, 2011

Where I'll Be Cross Training, aka Make Art!

The Cross Training at Casita Contessa continues as I have le grande epiphany!!!! I am a cranky ole' B unless I'm doing something creative. My creative lovers shift, I am nothing close to true blue---- be it knitting, painting, mixed media, journaling, engaging in sewist activities------ I just need to be doing it. As I have explained to my family who wants me to fix, make and otherwise spend my time doing stupid stuff, that does not count.

I've been really good at my Summer Goals---- journaling every day, at least 15 minutes of self-care and at least an hour doing something creative. The kicker is that I am not willing to spend that hour at the end of my days when I'm tired and done in any longer. Under that rule of thumb I'm too tired to honor my creativity so I don't do anything. Not good on many levels, N'EST-CE PAS??

So, I'm spending a little time and money on me. I'll be taking an online course with the fabulous Christy Tomlinson starting Monday, her 3 Hearts Workshop. Christy kicked off my Cross Training when I took her She Art Workshop, that really opened my gates, heart and soul and art is part of my daily life. I have broadened by personal definition of art to be just about everything I do on a creative level.

I urge you to enter your own cross training no matter what YOUR ART is! Do something a little different, maybe something you've always wanted to do! Broaden yourself, Rendre l'art!! I'm even broadening my language--- in any form, MAKE ART!


PamKittyMorning said...

Love how creative and talented you are. Inspirational. Everyone is embroidering and knitting and crocheting.. I really need to try and focus in and do something besides envy others.

Meredith said...

Tina, good for you doing something for yourself is so important. I am stilll knitting and crocheting but I think that is cross training for me. have a wonderful weekend, and thanks so much for your comment on my bolg I have had the best time reading everyone's thoughts on blogging.

Ann said...

I'm interested to see how this goes because I'm tempted to do it myself. Keep us updated!