Well, as I posted earlier Saturday was a tough day to get through! It took me a day to shake off the last wedding and the rude and stupid bride, groom, wedding party and grooms family. I've moved on! The saving grace of the day (and maybe the week+) was the box from
Alethea, my secret pal/tour guide for the
Knitters Virtual Vacation Swap. She was amazing, everything about the box she made for me was so well thought out and just SO fantastic!
She created my very own tour space within her blog---- well photographed, lovely tour, orchestrated treat opening-- who could ask for more! I went to
New York City!!!!

The box arrived so well packed, everything wrapped in pristine white tissue paper, the purple card on the top saying OPEN ME FIRST!

I opened the card and found the URL for my tour. We had just come in from the wedding from hell and were downloading cards and getting repacked for the reception so of course I let everyone else work while I opened (and photographed) my box from Alethea! The photo above was my first screen shot, WELCOME!

We went to Dean and Deluca and the instructions were to open the first package!

POTATO CHIPS---- c'mon to a tired cranky girl, could there be anything better? I think not! I had not tried these and unfortunately for me, I LOVE THEM! New York Cheddar, yum. I'm not normally a cheese chip girl but these were so good! Not too cheesy and with that hand cooked crunch. SO yummy. In case you are wondering, no I did not share. Not even one!

As we wandered around Dean and Deluca came the instructions to open the second package---- oooooooh candy it said!

Get serious!!!!!!! Chocolate!

Dark chocolate little orbs of delight, with a small bit of a crunch and a chewy center. They are really really good. And no, apparently I have discovered the nasty selfish side of myself because I didn't' share these either! :)

After a walk by of Balthazar's, the instructions were to open package 3 from a street stand near by.

Okay, I'm ready!

How fabulous! A very cool coaster! I sit next to my laptop for a zillion hours a day and always with something from the beverage family next to me. This coaster will be my companion there, thanks!

Isn't it amazing with a laptop screen that dirty and gross that I can see out of it at all? I assure you, I didn't see it until the flash went off on it! Yikes.

The next package to open came from MoMa, our next stop! How great, love the postcards, the informational pamphlet, the very cool markers and little notepad and subway themed magnets, and the keychain is way cool! I have it loaded with my keys and it will go with me every day!

We gave lunch some thought as we toured around NYC--------

And then the question, do I know where we are going? No---- but I'm enjoying it all! We've seen so many cool places and I loved the graffiti shot!

Habu Textiles! With a package to open! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are jealous, admit it, I know you are! the light colored package in the middle is bamboo tape, it is absolutely fabulous, the coolest thing ever! The natural colored yarn in the back is a raw sexy silk and the red (my favorite color) in the front is bamboo. I have never used any of these and can't wait to play with them. I took them upstairs last night to the stash shelf and the other yarn seemed a bit standoffish! I think it was all feeling puny next to the Big City Yarn! :)

When the tour ended with a really nice note from Alethea, I had the biggest smile on my face! It was a wonderful treat and I was so grateful! Thanks Alethea, your hard work and dedication on my behalf was/is so very much appreciated!!!! I hope you know that I'm going to steal this great presentation idea and use it for my next swap!!!
Alethea on her blog just finished her first sweater, and it is WAY CUTE! Her first sweater, how really fab is that? I hope you pop over there to give it a peek and tell her that she did a wonderful job!
OMG!! That is probably THE best Virtual Vacay package I have seen online thus far!!
The tour was a fabulous idea AND the Habu ROCKS!!! LOVE the choices & colors!
I know, it IS the best, totally fabbo! I had the very best Tour Guide! Yay Alathea!
Yee! What a fantastic box of goodies! I so want to try those NY Cheddar chips... now I just need to get to NY! Thanks for popping by my blog :) The little Isabeau purse is a delight to knit. I sat down and knit it in one day, and the next day I sewed in the lining- talk about instant gratification knitting! Good luck with yours!
wow. sign me up. habu. no kidding. looks like fun.
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