Have you seen this cute hat pattern from Knitty? It is wonderfully perfect for my partner's nephew, a sophomore in college who is the Soccer Stud of the known world, our own Beckham. I think I'm going to have to put this on the list for Christmas. VERY cute------ way too 'hip' for an old broad like me, but for Kyle it will be true perfection!

Speaking of Christmas, during my walks the past few mornings (a hot slog, but that is beside the point)-- I have been thinking about the dreaded Gift List. Not, mind you, the list that actually will get knit, that list becomes finalized somewhere in the middle of December after tears and gnashing of teeth when the very real possibility exists that despite careful planning and much knitting into the Wee Hours, it just ain't gonna happen. Ain't. Gonna. Happen. I hate that list! :) But this year I've decided that I'm really going to try to be practical. You know, hats, mittens, things that might actually be possible. Never a slam dunk but a possibility. We cling to our own realities when it is almost August, hope still springs eternal and we just know that This Year WILL be different!
I was in Michael's yesterday while out running errands. (Yuk!) Everyone knows that errands are endless and the day is gone before you know it. While there I picked up the new "KnitSimple" fall issue, I am in that lean time before the new InterWeave comes out y'know. I didn't have huge expectations but I have to tell you how pleased I am with this issue! It The woman's hat on the cover is along the lines of the Knitty hat, but knit in a nice chunky yarn billed at a 2 hour knit. Sweet! I think that Danielle and Alex might have to have one for sure. Then I found two projects inside that I'm actually anxious to make, the ribbed shrug on page 46 is just darling--- but then I'm a sucker for shrugs. I am absolutely gaga over the top knitted in the modular style on page 49, the "Mitered Sweater". Knit in a lovely Noro this sweater rings my chimes in every area, cute style-- different construction--- the fun of picking up stitches from modular pieces as well as I-Cord----- woo hoo! KnitSimple, along with every other fall knitting mag I've seen are touting this fall as the year of the vest--- the vest as a must knit. There are a couple of Fair-Isles with cute scoopy necklines that are very knit-worthy indeed.

The modular top is on the far left----- the other projects from this issue are way cute too. The folks at Vogue knitting are doing a fab job with this magazine, I'll have to make sure to pick up future issues.
Tomorrow will be time to get the Pi off the needles and blocked--- I hope. The rest of the Staff at the Studio is off to a conference tomorrow so I will be working from home. For those of you who have some understanding, this means that I will work a bit in the morning and then I will knit, make tea, knit some more. I'm actually planning a cast on party, and a list making moment, and in the middle of all of the unabashed freedom of the day I will probably have to do a load or two of laundry and maybe run the vacuum.
I know------ it just sounds like bliss! Well except for the laundry and the vacuuming that is but then again I never promised to do it, I am just considering it!
I am hoping to block Pi tomorrow too! It's been so much fun seeing everyone's shawls blocked on the forum. I am excited to see how big mine will be when it is all strectched out.
I am anxious to start on some other projects too!
I must have that shrug! Thanks for bringing it to the fore.
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