A weekend off, no ladies in white and not a lot of work! It doesn't happen very often around here and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest
As promised, Nimbus photos:

The color is still wonky----------- but isn't she glorious? I think I'd love to knit her again in chocolate or black.

Love the shawl collar a LOT. Remember I had such a hard time finding a great button for her--- I found this great pin instead. The actual closure is a snap, the pin sits on the surface. I think it looks great, wonderfully unique and sort of vintage and modern at the same time.
With the cabled cardi, Alexi, off the needles it was time to swatch for Lexical. The yarn is yummy with the very soft sheen. Because it is not 'spun' it can be a little splitty but doesn't take much time to get into the groove with.

A very soft haze without being too furry----- and that nice soft shine. Swatching was a delight since the pattern uses pocket linings, they made perfect (and USEABLE) swatches! Gauge was bang on using 7's.
The 7's are still in use finishing up that seed stitch collar for Alexi, with luck over the weekend I'll enter final push.
For the moment I'm just delighted to do holiday things that don't involve brides! For all my American blitters, have a wonderful 4th of July!
What a great idea - using the pocket linings for swatches.
Your finished sweater is beautiful. The pin is the perfect touch.
Hooray! Nimbus is a much deeper, richer, lovelier color in real life. Next knit night we are going to MAKE you model it!
Your Nimbus came out great!!
Enjor your Bridependence!! :oD
OH MY GAWD!!!!!! I am in love with that sweater. I can just see it being worn in the fall with a pair of jeans and a little shirt underneath. Adorable!!! You made that fast!!! When you teach me will I knit that fast too?? lolol Cause I wanna wear my sweater THIS fall.
Glad you had a brideless weekend.
The sweater looks great, with the pin as the perfect touch.
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