So............. the sweater still isn't put together. With the heat index it is 105 here today, I am really in no hurry! I did however receive my new yarn lust........... Lustra from

the Tencel in the mix makes it shiny, uber soft and just yummy! LOVE this yarn and can't wait to knit with it. As Cirilia says, this yarn may well be overshadowed with the other fabulous fall yarns but I think it will come out strong with many knitterly fans.

Also received the fabric I couldn't resist. Fat quarters of really fun fabric (Alexander Henry of course, who else does such tongue in cheek novelties?)---- in pink and black. Skulls impaled with knitting needles and scissors......... and sewing and knitting 'storyboards' as it were.

Knitmare on Elm is above---- check out the knitting needles as chopsticks, the kid in the too small sweater, the dog eating the yarn, and the skeleton giving up on the sweater. LOVE this fabric----- now what will it grow up to be??? I think maybe the pink skulls and needles will have to be a little frock for the newly groomed little girl dog!
Lastly, I can't decide what sweater the Lustra will evolve into, your help please???? The pattern is still a couple weeks from printing so I have a little time to make up my mind. (Not to mention finish the ongoing cabled cardi!) The choices follow........

My first choice is above, Listeme. Gorgeous! But I'm second guessing myself because I love

----- Lexical. Sort of Channelly, but so much more updated and (dare I say it) hip!
I have enough delicious Lustra to knit either............. but which one????
I know you are hanging out waiting for last week's knitting bride. Catch her tomorrow before I head out to wrangle tomorrows bride!
As gorgeous as both of those are, I'd go for the first one--that little bit of cabling to catch the light with the sheen of the yarn ... yum!
I am completely in love with both of those patterns. However, I'm afraid that the little ruffle might kind of get lost in the black. I would save the first pattern for a different, lighter-colored yarn.
I'd go with the 2nd (Lexical)! Cause well...I agree with Mujercita teh ruffle might get lost in the black. and Lexical in the black will be sooo classy!
Both are gorgeous, but I agree the black may obscure the ribbony part on the first one, and the collar on the second one is so pretty!
OMG they are both to die for!!! I do love Lexical though. You are tooo talented with those needles if you can make your own dang sweaters!!! If I made one it would be on an episode of I love Lucy!!
I have to add my voice to the vote for Lexical. The simple shape will look great in the dark yarn you've chosen. I think you're second guessing because you know deep down that the yarn isn't right for Listeme. You'll just have to buy more yarn.
You inspired me to knit a Nimbus while on vacation this year. Just waiting for the yarn to arrive.
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