The beauty, the downright happy dancin' joy bringin upliftin yeah baby knitterly mojo bringin good thing is anything labeled IG. Immediate Gratification. I know that my loooooooong cabled cardi project is enjoying my diverted affections as surely I will return to my old love with new enthusiasm. So are the hopes of the day.
Nimbus"! Grab and go, fast, cute............ fabulous.

Sitting there all proud and soon to be sassy is the back (gotta love the leopard rug as well!)

And the first front is (now) ready for the armscye decreases and will be done soon. (throwing the knitters equivalent of salt over the shoulders so as not to hex the whole thing. Would that be tossing a stitch marker over my left shoulder?)
The ottoman it is sitting on is a tomato soupy red, you can see the color of the sweater is a winey thing. When viewed closely you see some bits of an orangey shade------ the whole thing is reminiscent of Sangria. (Hence the name I suppose.)
My next weekend bride (who promises NOT to be a b*tch) will be rockin' Nimbus before it comes off the needles for sure!
1 comment:
Looks so good! You've inspired me to keep knitting until my latest (2nd) sweater stops looking like a disturbingly long rectangle.
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