The blogversary always sneaks up on me----- this year was no exception. I can't believe it has been TWO years that I have met so many great friends, shared some laughs and some tears, celebrated and lamented projects and kibbitzed over brides good and bad.
Thanks for being here!
Happy Blogversary to me indeed!
Happy blogmerary. We should all celebrate and buy yarn.
Happy Blog-a-versary!!
We had a great time at Top Chef...too bad you were in the "boonies" (which I am thinking is anywhere west of Grand Ave? LOL)
Seems like yesterday you were marking your first blogversary, for sure!
Happy, happy. I most certainly have enjoyed reading your blog.
Hooray hooray! Happy blogoversary!!
Happy Blog B-day!!
It has been such a pleasure reading you!! :o)
Here is to many more blog years together!!
(and stop forcing us with yummy sweets! Haha!)
Happy Blogaversary to you sweetie pooh!!!!
Happy Belated Blogaversary!
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