Let me recap:
- NO furniture from the couch/loveseat/chair category
- STILL trying to relax and/or lounge from the fuzzy blue blow up bed that lays on the floor and takes a whole lotta effort to haul up and out of
- the tv downstairs leaves tomorrow afternoon. I can only hope that having the U*-Verse box still plugged in will tape Jack tomorrow night and I can watch tv in my bedroom.
- the house is covered in boxes. Covered. A damn lot of boxes.
- there are more boxes joining the party every day
- There is no knitting happening outside of Tuesday nights when I find that properly outfitted with a real chair, knitting is entirely possible
- There is really no nothing happening outside of work and the move.
I remain tired and ready to throw in the towel. I would if I could spare a towel but I only have one out, the rest are packed and I couldn't tell you which box they are in. I really thought back in the day when I had a full set of towels and lived in a lovely home that the move was going to be a piece of cake, a simple little stroll over to the new loft daintily carrying objects and placing them in their new home. I am by all accounts a moron as this in no way is what the move looks like.
My dogs are freaked out and glued to my sides in fear that their Mama is going to leave them for points unknown. Poor things.
I do have a firm date to move (hallelujah!) and the movers are coming on Thursday after what will surely be a horrific day on Wednesday hauling everything possible in the SUV. By Thursday night it is my hope to close the door after the movers drop the last of it, the new furniture having been delivered (of which there is not only a couch and a loveseat but a new chair, in red, that was built to knit like the freakin' wind.) I will close the door and look around at the carnage and know that finally I am home again. There will be unpacking and new things to decorate an tons and tons to do but I look forward to it all with great excitement. I will peer out my window and see in the distance the Arch, I will look around at my lovely Victorian neighborhood and sing a happy song. Assuming I have the energy for it!
I'm 'off the contract' at today's wedding and so can maybe take a nap in between the last few things on the do-me list. After the guy comes to buy the washer and dryer from C*raig's List who I sincerely hope is not a murderer. He really can't be as the $$ from the washer and dryer will finish paying for the new flat screen. Oh yeah.

My bride today has already been sad that she will not hold my knitting and me forever immortalized to my blitters- aw, how sweet! I offered that she drive by in the limo, I'd run out into the raining street and she could jump out and give it a go but apparently she was less than sincere about the whole thing. How like a non-knitter anyway.
Hope your weekend is sunny and warm and for pete's sake that you aren't moving.
Ooh goodness!! Moving is so stressful but thank goodness you don't do it often!
Soon you will be in your new home with the smell of "newness" (I love that smell!!)
Glad your still knitting on Tuesdays despite the chaos around you, but it won't last always!!
"Try" and give yourself a treat of some kind at least once a day!!
Hope the weather is beautiful over there!!
Ackk! Flash-backs to way too many corporate moves!
This, too, shall pass. However, I must confess that I still have unpacked boxes in the garage from our 2004 move. Obviously, I don't really need that stuff.
Well jeez you make me so darn happy I'm next!!! lolol
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