Lookie Lookie what the mailman brought! Mail around here is always a good thing, especially when the weenie mailman has a package and is forced to ring the doorbell. When he timidly stuffs mail through the slot in the door the dogs go nuts and so recently he has decided that it is okay to leave mail on the front porch. No matter the weather. I for one am really crankin' mad about the US*PS saying they need more money. After I get a rebate, they can talk about more money. If I did not do my job I would not ask for more money I can tell you that! Harumph. Okay, that aside------- look what came! The pattern for the chickens in all their chickeny goodness. LOVE this pattern! The other bit of brightness is a top I'd ordered. Whoa. Do you not hate it when stuff you order bears no resemblance to the photo in the catalog? This is way yellower (on the fringe of ick), the 'jewels' around the neck are totally different, it is a lot shorter and the fabric is chintzy. Back it goes! The chickens stay to roost however!

Doesn't that look scary? Virtual pink stickies to safeguard the chicken pattern! I arrived a bit early at Tuesday knit night (the first one it hadn't been raining for in a long time) and sat at a table with a bottomless cup of joe. I cast on my chicken base! :)
Yoel taught me the lifted cast-on, I can't believe I didn't know it! What a great way to add those stitches in for a very speedy increase. They look great, almost invisible, no holes at all---- and they lay really nicely. Perfection!

Some of the collected assortment of chicken yarn. The colors are actually a bit lighter and brighter, so it goes. My chicken du jour is going to be a French Chicken. Striped in a mellow ecru, a happy blue and a yummy green. I plan on embellishing her at some point as well. I really think she might need a beret.
I've only gotten about half into my chicken tush, packing and hauling and duty calleth. And out of dire respect I did knit another couple schmeensy rows on the sleeves of the ongoing cable cardi. It's all good--------- it isn't like I'm going to wear it this season anyway. When the cooler weather arrives I will be moved in to my new digs and my yummy cardi of cabled awesomeness will be waiting.
Wait until next when I share what is in the slow cooker. YUM!
1 comment:
Please, please...my eyes, my eyes!!
I HATE that!! They go all soft focus and smooshy with the catalog pictures and I swear someone goes in there with photoshop and gets cute, so you order it and it arrives....taxi-cab yellow but brighter. Makes me crazy!
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