So..................... there she be, almost ready for bind off. If I hadn't been more intent on watching Lipstick Jungle last night I'd be ready for sleeves. There you have the selfish confession of trash tv! When it comes to the girls on the Jungle, I'm there! Well that and Project Runway make up my not to miss telly. Speaking of PR, "my" designer from the Ravelry group was Blayne. Blayne, dear over-tanned boy that he is sadly departed the fix a couple shows ago so I'll be sending knitterly/yarnerly goodies to the Big Winnah of my group when it all shakes out. Anyway, I'm taking a couple of hours this afternoon to get the front off the circs and get the sleeves on the dpn's. For those of you who knit, I decided not to put the sleeves on one (or two) circs but to work them the good old fashioned way on the double pointed needles. I may live to regret this!

No knitting bride from last weekends wedding 'away'. To tell you the truth I was so exhausted and busy that I just flat forgot................ and it would have been so easy! They are adorable though aren't they? Young and fresh and full of dreams, just as it should be on your wedding day!
I'm (thankfully) getting caught up at the studio and am ready to tackle the new stuff instead of merely finishing the old.
Life goes on, get knittin'.
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