Friday, January 7, 2011

Getting on with it----- sort of

Yes, I still feel nasty bad but there is always better living through chemistry. And clementines, lots of 'em. Add a nap here and there, chicken soup and the smell of green chili stew on the stove (where I contessa over it still in flannel jammies) that promises all good things.

I feel far better than I did, this gives me great hope. (ha!) So, while kicking some dust bunnies out of my way I dug out the camera and fired off a couple shots from the (horribly) wrecked creative space.

The photo below is just part of the mess on the cutting table, one gate leg up for added mess stackage:

The project in the works IS the glorious and completely adorable A Tisket A Tasket---- and 3 of the blocks are awaiting stitching and begin their first prance here:

C'mon, are these cute even unfinished or what? The background of all 12 8x8 blocks is the same and the fabric also from the same family, my beloved "Breakfast at Tiffany's" from Fig Tree Quilts.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled nap. Pushing on requires due diligence.


Meredith said...

Sp glad to hear you are feeling better, the chili sounds amazing and your blockare perfect. Rest up and have a great weekend,

jen duncan said...

Yes, its super cute. And I'm def a fan of doing something AFTER everyone else has already done it ;-) Get better quick! Hey--ME is talking about doing an 'intimate craft weekend' right there in her gosh darned conference room. Are we in OR WHAT?!

tina said...

I love to be the caboose on making things too! I mean, how else are you going to get a great idea of what worked, what didn't and how to make it fabulous? As far as ME and a STL weekend, of course we're ON!