Yes, graffitti'ed bugs, with noses buried in the dirt, next to a place that said something about rattlesnakes (as did the rest stop about an hour from here!) The caddies will be visited tomorrow morning on the way out of town with a few other fun stops as we get closer to NM. I have a newly acquired leaflet about the NM Fiber Arts and the Trail thereof.
To the Tuesday Knitterati, (and you of course) only 6 rows accomplished on the Citron ruffle, today I sat and watched the flat landscape roll by for the most part while listening to an audiobook. But I should have the shawlette cast off and blocking by the end of the weekend even though the vacay starts in earnest tomorrow. I truly do believe that I WAY overpacked knitterly and quilterly things. Way.
Edited to say that Citron is FINI! Cast off and ready to block, even as is, I really like it!
I absolutely can't wait!
On a green note, today were seen newly planted fields stretching for long rows of green and more green. Just that little stubbly bit of green that will become fields of something larger. I now believe that against all previous thought, spring IS coming!
I started the bind-off on my Citron last night. It's slow going (I-cord), but I really like the way it looks. Can't wait to see yours!
Oh, Tina, with that post about the bug- and cadillac graveyard, you should have continued the preferred Citro(e)n spelling!
Looks like you're already having a fantastic time.
The Lloie looks wonderful, but I agree, the real life colors are stunning.
Lloie is even more gorgeous in real life!
Your doggies are so cute with their little traveling sweaters.
Fabulous sweater Tina! Hope you're having fun.
Your dogs look so happy! Hope you have fun.
And stay away from those self lubricating dog. CreePee!
Sweater is absoluetly gorgeous!!!!!!!!!
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