Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Resolutions and Such

Resolutions are a good thing---- really. The problem is that we make them too big or too 'something' and then mixed with a fair bit of un-accountability they get lost in the seasons.

I looked at mine yesterday, 30 days after four of us sat around the kitchen while drinking coffee and prepping a meal together and wrote an email to all participants. Using my list and writing my successes and stalls I called for all of us to continue to hold each other accountable while renewing my personal vow for same.

Of those things on the list I can report that the most successful was my continued weight loss, down 22 more pounds since the first of the year. I can look forward to the problem of no spring clothes fitting and having to buy new ones, yay! Several of the things on my list were from the touchy feely category, like how to turn an attitude around. I had written (and discussed with the group) my desire to remember the adage "you can be right or be love". Heavy stuff indeed. In revisiting my 30 days I found that I'm not doing really well with it. Much of the time when I choose to "be love".......... I find that I simply stuff my initial irritation, I feel isolated/lonely/sad. This obviously is not the way to turn around the need to be right, the need to know that your opinions have value and that they matter.

So, what is the secret? How can you assert yourself while still maintaining an attitude of love and mellow it all together? I'm not sure but of course opinions are always welcome!

On the knitting front I've managed two whole rows on Lloie------- and Citroen is languishing. Some productivity today will bring me to knit group tonight where I hope to knit a bit on both. At least coffee and chattering will happen which makes me smile!


Meredith said...

Congrats on your weight loss!!!! That is something truely to be thankful for. I bet you are feeling so much better and new clothes are a bonus to your good health. I look forward to hearing how you continue to do. Resolutions are tough, I have been trying to be grateful everyday. I think because I made that resolution my days feel even more challenging, maybe the Universe is having a laugh at my expense!

jen duncan said...

Hi Tina- I tried really hard to leave a comment last night for the LOVELY citroen sweater, but wasn't successful. Trying again here today. I sure like that reminder--you can choose to be right or choose to be love. Wonderful! Congrats on the weight loss! Today was my third day at Bikram (HOT) yoga. What a reminder of how old I am! Oh well...it's never too late to start getting back into shape. :-)Here's hoping this comment goes through so you will know I'm thinking of you. :-)

jen duncan said...

yay! it did! :-)

PamKittyMorning said...

congrats on the weight loss. I'm really struggling with that now, walking, eating right and NOTHING. Age is a .. well you know.

As for the be right/be love.. this is so hard. I don't have any advice but just send support. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes I cannot.


yoel said...

Yay for you on your weight loss!! It's hard to be perfect and loving and wonderful all the time--you are a charming and generous person and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself! One day at a time...