Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Finally, the yoke begins!

Not much to say here------- plugging away on all fronts. My back went out (ack) which means I really can't sit and knit much. The ugly truth is that I can't do much of anything which is frustrating. I hate to have anything outside my control dictate my activity, you know how it goes.

But the yoke for Lloie has finally begun! I really like the "surprise" color-- the green, and the first row of that soft cream and the black that will be the majority of the background of the yoke. Now that the raspberry yarn is going down I can't wait to see it finished, the next round of leaves after these are complete will be a soft pink, the last leaves are the cream. The yoke has long floats so I'm taking it slow in order to insure that nothing pulls or goes wonky on me when it is finished.

Yummy. [only wish I could] Get Knittin!

5 inches of snow last night and to make matters worse it will not make it above 20 or so today, it is brutal out there. Nevertheless I shall hobble to knit group tonight and sit (carefully) in a straight backed chair and knit for as long as I'm able. Now we see what truly motivates me!!


Meredith said...

Hope your back feels better soon so you can get back to knitting. Enjoy the beauty of the snow but be very careful when you are walking outside.

Suzy Girl said...

Ahhh... the colorwork yoke. The fun begins. It looks lovely!!!
Hope your back is feeling better soon!