Yesterday was my anniversary. Crepes for breakfast at a local purveryor of such crepey goodness. I had mine stuffed with something cream cheesy and cherry-ish, it was delightful as can be. The lady sitting next to me had the buckwheat crepe with roasted veggies that looked really incredible too. The best thing about her was not her healthy brekky but that she told me my top was darling and I looked really great. I came to discover through innocent eavesdropping (it was so crowded in there that it was hard not to) that she is some big poohbah with R*alph L*auren in NYNY so the compliment was even nicer. I think the caveat for all of us is that we need to remember to compliment people more, sincerely if possible of course. Somehow that kind of drops by the wayside and I don't know about you but I still dig hearing that sort of thing. The rest of the day was a blur of appointments and running in all directions possible punctuated only by a short stop for a Friday Only bowl of clam chowder heaven. The evening was spent watching Nights in R*odanthe which I was very happy not to have spent the big movie bucks in the theater. A fairly stupid movie even though I love D*iane Lane and think that Ri*chard Ge*re is a big ole hubba hubba. Four bucks, homepopped popcorn---- it was just okay.
I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. You look GREAT------ just fabulous!
Happiest of V-days! You always look fabulous!
YOU ARE FABULOUS!!! Have a great day. xo
You are soooo right! I laugh at the clothes or accessories I keep because someone (lots of times I can't even remember who!) complimented me on them one day. Well, Tina, let me just say that you have a gorgeous, fun, and interesting blog and I enjoy your presence in blogland very much! Happy Valentine's Day to you!
I'm watching Nights in Ro... right now. Man, this movie is CHEESY!!! I love, love, love Diane Lane but whew! This is tough.
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