Sometimes getting on with it is a bit..... hard. This time is certainly no exception. It has been a wild week of ups and downs, the biggest down of course being the death of my brother. The up in part is the preparation for a trip that is 85% pleasure and the rest work, a longed for and much anticipated nearly two weeks of 'away'. Warm. Beaches. I'm hoping for sunbathing and Cuban food, the knit and quilt shops out of state that become exotic and issue their siren call. My sister in law has not determined if or when there will be any type of memorial service and I loudly hear my brother telling me to get on with it and go have some fun. It will be tempered fun but I am going to give it my best shot.
Besides my knitting to take along in the car for the 18 hours of lovely drive (which I seriously enjoy) come a couple of other important elements:

Chee*tos, the red crunchy ones. You emerge from your car at gas stations to potty and perhaps find a S*nickers or M*allow Cup with orange fingers and bits of telltale crunchy clinging to your t shirt. Well worth it if you ask me.

And lots of Diet C*oke, mine will hopefully not be erupting. Did you even KNOW that you could make a bit of an eruption with Diet C*oke and M*entos? I did not. The hilarious W*ikipedia article is
here, should you need a head shaking grin today. You can't travel very far at all without a cold refreshing beverage when contemplating beaches, sand, palm trees and weather that is not snowing.

I ran right over to the
Cast On website and because Brenda now has Audible as a sponsor, I thought I'd give her a bit of the jingle when I signed up. I do love me some audio books and signed up using the link on her site. When you do--- voila--- a free credit to be used this month on any audio you would like. Yay! And I don't need to tell you that there are LOADS of them. I spent my time carefully searching as the road trip audiobook parameters are narrow. Not scary, not too serious, somewhat romantic, a bit of travel involved is nice, anything with a red cover scores points, and if Italy is involved in any way the bonus points really rack up. The winner for the trip is "Very V*alentine" y A*driana T*rigliani. Unabridged. 16+ hours of delight!
My iPod is loaded with Valentine and I've been hoarding up knitting podcasts (my traveling companion be damned) for the road. The cabled cardi is packed along with another fat cake of Eco---- I tossed in yarn and dpi's for a pair of socks just in case all that lapfull of wool gets to be too much. After all it is going to be WARM. The mere thought of that makes me smile. Spring clothes are packed, my cell phone is charging and the house will sparkle for the open house being held on Sunday (buymebuymebuy me I shout to the Universe!!!).
I'm ready to head out. I need to head out. I'm almost gone.
Blips from the road blitters------ photos and stories to come!
Have a wonderful time, Tina!
Tina I am sooo very sorry about your loss. It makes me sad that you have lost someone so dear to you. My thoughts are with you.
The only problem with the Cheetos is, yeah, yellow fingers. That seems contrary to travel knitting. I guess "eat if you're driving, knit if you're riding" would be the policy. That and wet-wipe towelettes.
Happy travels, friend. You deserve some fair weather.
Clearly, you haven't mastered the art of eating cheetos straight from the bag without touching them directly with the fingers. A worthy goal for a vacation, I think.
So sorry about your little brother. You are right, you need and deserve this vacation!
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother 17 years ago and I still miss him very much. Good luck on your trip. I just finished reading valentine, loved it!
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