One of these days he is going to manage to land up in the fork of that tree trunk and be really, REALLY surprised!

Brea Bag photos at long last:

With any luck I'll be knitting on something-or-other this evening watching the Democratic convention. This was another surprise, how much I have enjoyed it! Who knew? Hillary rocked it last night, that was probably the finest speech I've heard in a long time. Bill tonight----- while I'm not a huge Bill fan, he is arguably one of the most intelligent men in politics.

Politics aside............. have I mentioned MY HAIR? For those who see me around and about you know that I have been growing out the gray. Yes, gray! Having been gray since 23, I guess it is time to see if maybe it might be time to give up the whole hair coloring thing. It's been a battle and a half let me tell you, there is no graceful way to grow it out short of buzzing that baby off and my stylist wouldn't let me go that far. So I've been growing and cutting short, growing and cutting short, et al. Tomorrow is the day I think that I might not look like white trash having a bad day, that is it should be the final haircut to get rid of the leftover color. The color that is left below those lovely gray locks used to be auburn. It is now seriously faded out, dead dry awful looking nasty hair. The only place I now have dark hair is in Second Life, bless Rhonda anyway! With a bit of luck after my cut it will be cute and textured and a little spiky and edgy and fun. If I look like some tired old hag------------ my first stop will be the drugstore!!
News at 11.
I'd say you will be stylishly complimenting your doggies...all in white. Very chic!
Your dogs are too cute! Squirrels deserve all the terrorizing they get. They are just rats with fuzzy tails!!
Your babies are adorable. I love the photos of them.
The bag is beautiful. I love how it's turning out. Nice work!
The doggies are just absolutely adorable! Cute and cuddly.
I am intrigued by this bag. Can't wait to see the finished product.
As far as the hair goes, I don't have good advice to give. However, I find if I just have an attitude that "I'm cute", whatever I have on or look like, people respond to that, and I feel good.
Charming witt and sparkling personality girl!
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