Monday, February 4, 2008

On hold and re-knit

I was quilting about the same time that I learned to knit, my Gramma Ruth was an amazing blessing in my life and I learned how to perform many createrly things, things that have stuck with me and served me well over the years. In fact, I NEED a corner of the house that pays homage to all things soothingly creative even if it means I can spend five minutes breathing the fumes with a cup of tea.

See? I do have a corner of "my room" that is neatly devoted to all things of creative pleasure.

As most quilters, do not look inside the closet, or in the drawers of fabric---- what lurks there is not nearly as orderly! That is why closet doors were created though, right?

It was heavenly to have sat in my sewing room Sunday while working on my new knitting bag---"Emma". Don't ask me why her name is "Emma", I have no idea, it just spoke to me.

I pretty much called in tired today, sent our part-timer along to the show today and stayed in my jammies. The wedding last night wore me out. You see, young over the top Bridezillas are one thing but older, second time around, just got plastic surgery aren't I hot brides are completely and totally exhausting! EXHAUSTING! I felt simultaneously old, fat and frumpy while at the wedding and reception. The following day, Sunday, there was nothing I wanted to do more than hole up, close the door, listen to nothing but silence and sew.

Which is pretty much what I did. I didn't even have the steam to go to knit group, and that is saying something. That is until my Bernina rolled over with its' feet in the air. ACK! I have no idea what the deal is, the bobbin thread is a loopy horrible mess and I can't seem to be able to fix it. I think it will need a trip to the shop and I'm sick about it. I was on a roll with "Emma" and wanted so much to get it finished!

I got all of the pieces tweaked and traced off (to save in case I really do get the Etsy urge)

And I fused the Japanese fabric to the interfacing

I love pattern weights, so fast and easy for uncomplicated shapes!

I even got the bottom and one side sewn.

Then it happened. Kerflunk. Pahflooeey. Schnickdiddle. I am absolutely sick about it. SICK!

Because I could no longer sew I was forced to go into the kitchen and actually prepare food. This was not in my plan for the day although I was quite pleased to have had real food served on actual china. Definitely nice on a Sunday evening. It almost made me feel better about a sewing machine requiring a costly trip to Mr. Fix It. Parmesan crusted chicken will do that for you though.

Is that just the cutest? My sweet partner's Mom came by with that wrapped in a piece of tissue paper, I love a heartfelt surprise! She tells me that it is actually supposed to be a Christmas ornament, I'll likely tuck it somewhere to enjoy year round.

Monday is for meetings today. I'll be making the best of it with this:

We shall not discuss the unfortunate demise of my "2 at a time socks". It was ugly. I got all ready to go and discovered that my longest cable was 36 inches. I think that might be fine for a one at a time sock on circs but trying to make it work for two was incredibly frustrating. Did I mention it was ugly?????? Trust me, it was. I'll give it another go armed with a circ of proper length. Melissa, forgive me!

So I cast on for Coriolis Saturday night after getting home from bride wrangling and by the time I had unwound enough to head to bed at 1:30 I was pretty well into the foot. A great knit, a cool sock, and as always Cat Bordhi I bow at your feet! The yarn is a little, well a little 'peachy'. I knew that going in. It'll be fine with khakis for spring though. The best thing is the double stranded Austermann Step on size 6 circs----- those stitches fly.

We will also not mention that after this photo was taken that baby was frogged back to the point where the coriolis begins. I stupidly slipped purl wise for the SSK instead of knit wise and I just couldn't get over the fact that the first half of the swirl it looked a tiddle messy. Meeting time will find the re-knit happening.

The Bernina will have to be in the shop for awhile I think, there goes the quilt I have ready to be cut! My lovely bag???? On hold----- crapsnickle! My fear is that by the time i get back around to it, sufficiently motivated-----time will be at a premium.

Guess I'll have to be sittin' and re-knittin' instead. Some days are like that.


Jenny Girl said...

Crapsnickle?? I love it! I am so borrowing that. And my what a nice, neat, and orderly corner of a room. If I accomplished an area that neat in my house, my husband would pass out to the floor.

Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...

I have had this moment. I solved it by buying three more machines. This way, if one of them bellies up on me, I've got reserves. Otherwise my mind would unhinge. I would not cook supper. I'd burn it while trying to think of ways to get my hands on a working machine!!

I forgive you. But can you forgive yourself?? ; )

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing your crafty corner. i love to see workspaces. and all those lovely colors.

sorry the bernina bit it. but look at the bright have a bernina. (and not a singer that's the same age as me!)

hope it comes back all better for not much money. i agree with jenny girl, crapsnickle is awesome. so satisfying. so sssssy and ickkkkky.

just rolls off the tongue.

Rachel said...

Ack! I hate it when the sewing machine revolts. I hope you get it back soon.