Make a pot of chicken and dumplings. Okay, I didn't have a chicken so I plucked a turkey carcass from the freezer, tucked away since Christmas, and made stock. Amazingly fatty is stock created from turkey so a quick trip to the freezer was necessary to scoop up the extra fat from the broth. Now nice and rich and yummy it awaits dumplings!

You will notice the gift under those dumplings in progress. Miss J brought me over a pastry cloth, hand made even! She used two layers of a very heavy duck cloth and hemmed them together. It is an enormous cloth, much bigger and nicer than you can find in the stores. When properly floured up, this cloth will turn out fabulous dumplings and I think it might have a pie coming off of it by the end of the day! Once again, practical and hand-made gifts are just the best!

I had a wonderful time with knit-group yesterday afternoon. We meet at a local coffee house for hours of kibbitz and knit and despite the cold it was great. Well, until the singer dude showed up, put out two speakers, set up his keyboard and guitar and proceeded to run us right out. A skeleton crew showed up at the home of our fearless leader, rms who I hope will put on her blog the very cool swift that her creative hubby made for her!
One of the things I embarrassingly share is that I am a Two at a Time Socks drop-out. First cable too short.......... second cable just right. Cast on, no problem............ first join, okey dokey. Second sock? Forget it. I am apparently too dipdog stupid to be able to handle twisty cable and yarn in a seriously horrible tangle. It was not pretty. I will admit to using language that is beyond salty and unbefitting a contessa. It was (for me) frustrating and made me feel really, really stupid. Really.
I'm plodding along on the Coriolis when away from home---- and actually plan to put the ribbing for the former 2 and a Time project on dpn's, place it on stitch holders and see if just maybe I can get it knit from that point.

Melissa? I know you are out there and shaking your head! I'm sorry, I'm a supreme dork! Here is my offer for you......... come in to town, this is a GREAT knitting town. You can stay here at the house and I'll cook for you, then you can do a signing at one of the great knit shops, bookstores,------- or two. Or a class---- now that would be pretty great!!! Heck, I'll even give you a list of candidates, woo hoo. Then while you are here, you can sit your sweet gluten free self next to me on the couch and tell me what incredibly dumb thing I am doing wrong. I want to learn SO badly, and am educable, I promise.
Blitters, do not for one single solitary minute think that there is anything the matter with this great book. The problem rest solely and completely with MOI. I take all the blame, yes I do!
Cable Luxe is done front and back, yay! Time to pick up stitches for the first sleeve, I feel like I can almost see the end from here. At this point I do have hopes to at least wear it once before nice weather moves in. Assuming it ever does.
No word on the Bernina being ready to pick up...................... bummer. Of course this week may not see a bit of sewing as Miss J, creator of my pastry cloth and queen of all things dumplings is having her second knee surgery so you know where I'll be.
With socks at the ready. Just not (for the moment) 2 at a time.
that's what I get for skimming.
I will go anywhere! You are not incompetent. You need the loving support of an excellent teacher (I know just the right one, too). My show does go on the road. I teach a 2-socks workshop and everything. All we need is a sponsoring LYS, and a space with tables. And Amy's permission, 'cause Amy is the boss of me! You need to email me, visit the rav group, find support. I want to see your knitting, hold it in my hands, sort you out!
Um. Wait. Where is here?
Maybe trying the 2 at a time sock is just not your thing at the moment. Try this again in the spring or something. Cold winter weather can definitly make you unhappy in projects that are not going your way. Speaking from experience here.
Those dumplings look delish. However, I only cook when I have to, and if I whipped out a rolling pin, I think my hubby would pass out :) Besides, I can't let him know I have possible skills.
YUM!! My hubby's favorite food is chicken and dumplings. I really need to learn how to make it.
OMG now I've got to make chicken n dumplings tomorrow. Those looks yummy!!!
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