It was heavenly to have sat in my sewing room Sunday while working on my new knitting bag---"Emma". Don't ask me why her name is "Emma", I have no idea, it just spoke to me.

Which is pretty much what I did. I didn't even have the steam to go to knit group, and that is saying something. That is until my Bernina rolled over with its' feet in the air. ACK! I have no idea what the deal is, the bobbin thread is a loopy horrible mess and I can't seem to be able to fix it. I think it will need a trip to the shop and I'm sick about it. I was on a roll with "Emma" and wanted so much to get it finished!
I got all of the pieces tweaked and traced off (to save in case I really do get the Etsy urge)

Then it happened. Kerflunk. Pahflooeey. Schnickdiddle. I am absolutely sick about it. SICK!
Because I could no longer sew I was forced to go into the kitchen and actually prepare food. This was not in my plan for the day although I was quite pleased to have had real food served on actual china. Definitely nice on a Sunday evening. It almost made me feel better about a sewing machine requiring a costly trip to Mr. Fix It. Parmesan crusted chicken will do that for you though.

Monday is for meetings today. I'll be making the best of it with this:

We shall not discuss the unfortunate demise of my "2 at a time socks". It was ugly. I got all ready to go and discovered that my longest cable was 36 inches. I think that might be fine for a one at a time sock on circs but trying to make it work for two was incredibly frustrating. Did I mention it was ugly?????? Trust me, it was. I'll give it another go armed with a circ of proper length. Melissa, forgive me!
So I cast on for Coriolis Saturday night after getting home from bride wrangling and by the time I had unwound enough to head to bed at 1:30 I was pretty well into the foot. A great knit, a cool sock, and as always Cat Bordhi I bow at your feet! The yarn is a little, well a little 'peachy'. I knew that going in. It'll be fine with khakis for spring though. The best thing is the double stranded Austermann Step on size 6 circs----- those stitches fly.
We will also not mention that after this photo was taken that baby was frogged back to the point where the coriolis begins. I stupidly slipped purl wise for the SSK instead of knit wise and I just couldn't get over the fact that the first half of the swirl it looked a tiddle messy. Meeting time will find the re-knit happening.
The Bernina will have to be in the shop for awhile I think, there goes the quilt I have ready to be cut! My lovely bag???? On hold----- crapsnickle! My fear is that by the time i get back around to it, sufficiently motivated-----time will be at a premium.
Guess I'll have to be sittin' and re-knittin' instead. Some days are like that.
Crapsnickle?? I love it! I am so borrowing that. And my what a nice, neat, and orderly corner of a room. If I accomplished an area that neat in my house, my husband would pass out to the floor.
I have had this moment. I solved it by buying three more machines. This way, if one of them bellies up on me, I've got reserves. Otherwise my mind would unhinge. I would not cook supper. I'd burn it while trying to think of ways to get my hands on a working machine!!
I forgive you. But can you forgive yourself?? ; )
thanks for sharing your crafty corner. i love to see workspaces. and all those lovely colors.
sorry the bernina bit it. but look at the bright side...you have a bernina. (and not a singer that's the same age as me!)
hope it comes back all better for not much money. i agree with jenny girl, crapsnickle is awesome. so satisfying. so sssssy and ickkkkky.
just rolls off the tongue.
Ack! I hate it when the sewing machine revolts. I hope you get it back soon.
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