HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!I send love and hugs, as well as the hope that your day today is full of blessings........as well as all of your days! Of course I wish you could reach out and grab that doughnut in the photo above. After all nothing says HVD like a heart shaped Krispy Kreme! Not of course that I ate it! Never!

One of the (only) perks of hanging out in the hospital for the past two days is that there is a lot of knitting time. The first Coriolis is finished, ta da. I really enjoyed knitting this sock, it was so much fun. The inspired genius that is Cat Bordhi was in every stitch. The moss stitch at the top of the sock looks nice and I will echo it in the second sock (on the needles) but I think if/when I knit it again I will put on a 2x2 rib cuff. My calves are not huge or anything but apparently not svelte enough for moss stitch!

The second toe is done and the bottom of the foot is about halfway to the beginning of the Coriolis arch expansion. LOVE this toe, I'd like to see what it does in a single ply of yarn.

The finished sock cuddling up with the second sock in progress. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
I'm off to the studio for about an hour and then off to the hospital again.
Still tired, but ever dutiful (and knitting).
I LUV the heart donuts at Kripsy Kreme!!!!
Gurl you are rockin' on those socks!
Dang what needle size are you using if you are on the Denise?!?
And I can't believe Cable Luxe is almost done! Can't wait to see!
May the remainder of your days be filled with LOVE!!
OMG I missed the heart doughnuts. Dang it!!! That looks yummy!!
Love the sock. For a minute there I thought you were knitting a hat but then I realized it's the toe of the second sock. LOL!!!
Glad to hear the patient is doing well. Time for all of you to take a deep cleansing breath. 1,2,3.....there you go.
Alrighty, can't wait to see cable luxe, because I must say the dress version is very tempting. Not sure if I can wear it, but it's temting. Just like that Krispy Kreme donut, which won't help if I want to wear a knit dress :)
Cute socks too!
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