Monday, November 29, 2010


Hope your Thanksgiving was great, I have to say that around Casa Contessa it was FABULOUS! Three active and wonderful grandboys in the house and their mama (my oldest) as well. Lovely! My apple crumb pie, pumpkin pie and stuffing were announced the Best Ever. The farewell breakfast of peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes were given the title of Best Pancakes I've Ever Had In My Whole Life. Certainly makes cooking more fun I have to tell you!

Yesterday was spent in total quiet, in my holiday jammies if you must know. Pretty great. I've been swatching on a Super Secret Project. You know the kind.

I can tell you it is a tonal blue Ultra Alpaca------ and I really like the yarn a lot. Just fuzzy enough, nice and soft without going to total mush, and nice stitch definition. The tonal colors are very nice, muted and reserved but not boring, the color repeats not too long not too short.

If Oprah were a knitter I'm pretty sure she'd be holding this swatch on the cover of the new mag with the Favorite Things! Oh wait................... she IS!


Robyn said...

Oprah is a knitter? or she is holding your yarn on the cover?

jen duncan said...

haha! good one tina ;-) your breakfast sounds to-die-for and I'm so glad you got to connect with your boys.

Anonymous said...

The yarn is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meredith said...

If Oprah was a knitter she would give away addi turbo needles and beautiful yarn and not everyone would appreciate it.
Happy weekend,