Thursday, August 13, 2009

Home Alone

It happens VERY rarely that I am 'home alone'. It's been almost 6 years come to think about it and I'm digging in and celebrating this rare and lovely pleasure.

I have Lexical and the Purple Nimbus in progress with hopes to work on the intarsia bag that seems to go on forever (and ever). There is wine and chocolate, a new book on tape, a few movies on the DVR and minimal work.

The only wrinkle was when dear niece requested help getting her classroom together. She's been working on her Masters in Education since graduating 2 years ago and has been waiting for a teaching job. We were thrilled when she was hired THIS PAST MONDAY (school starts next week) for her first classroom of first graders. She's of course over the moon! I met her at the fabric store last night to see her vision for curtains for her room and pillows for her reading corner. She is the visioner and I shall execute. In a hurry.

My hope is that with Thursday through Sunday evening I get lots done, enjoy the peace, cook only for myself and my wishes, sleep in the middle of the bed and operate at my own pace.

Life is good indeed!


Meredith said...

Enjoy your time alone. It is amazing how little time we give to just ourselves and how restorative it is. I can't wait for school to start just so I get a couple hours a week. I feel as I get older I need more time just for myself, that doesn't mean I get it I just need it.

Have a lovely time knitting and being with yourself!


Knittinchick said...

Good aunties like you are very rare... you're a gift to your niece-she'll have such a great and creative classroom!

yoel said...

Hoorah for alone-time! Try not to let the dancing-naked-on-the-coffeetable interfere too much with the sewing ;)