I lost, and lost BIG.
Before I knew it, my valiant efforts at working through it kicked me in the butt on Wednesday night and I simply fell head down into the sheets not to arise until today. I'm still achy and sneezing with only one (or the other) nostril working simultaneously, looking tres chic as a haggard mouth-breather! I do consider it a victory that I can sit in front of the computer and do anything at all!
Late photos of the lovely knitterly girl in white from last weekend. She is one of those sweet rather old fashioned girls that gives the impression of a kinder and gentler time and I think her dress is quite "her".

It is sort of rare to have a non-strapless bride, and I always commend those who do not bow to fashion and strike out on their own when they have another vision in mind.
Her colors were Pear and Aubergine, which to be quite frank I was not entirely on board with until we arrived at the church for the first glimpse. They turned out to be stunning and every element of the wedding was both elegant and comforting.

I've made not much in the way of progress on it, when I could have been knitting this week I chose instead to snore and wheeze. Row 45, 15 to go and then what will be the endless and no doubt tedious tucking and weaving of all the squzzimillion pieces hanging from the back.
I think I'm heading back to the comfort of my sheets and the box of tissues that has in fact rubbed my nose to reddened bits. I'm hoping that with a bit more laying about I might be in good form to tackle the wedding tomorrow and another full day in the park on Sunday.
Hope YOU are feeling strong and wonderful. My advice is not to do as I did and blow off the flu shot because you are busy but to run out and get one! Right this very minute would be a grand idea!
I'm sorry that you've gotten the old flu bug!! I have not gotten my shot yet but your scaring me so tomorrow I'll be out and about trying to find someone with a needle full of anti -venom for me. LOL!!!
I like the touch of the "stray" leaf at the base of the pillar. (Knowing you, nothing is stray, but by design.) It speaks to the autumn wedding. Nicely done!
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