Because time is as tight as the budget knitting, sewing and quilting are smaller scale projects but hopefully no less smashing, or appreciated. I'll be creating gift baskets with a tres cool assortment of lip balms, body scrubs, cute soaps and fragrance oils---- all in an assortment of flavors and scents for each recipient along with custom labels and tags. I'll package them up with some handpainted mugs (base mugs purchased at the cheapie store) and a paper cone of my home-made chai. Other recipients will receive fingerless mitts knitted up along with a beret or two, a few wee little wall quilts made from "handprinted" fabric and the obligatory assortment of cookies and candy.
Stay tuned------- the workshop will be busy. The trick I think is to seek inspiration and encouragement from each other and the blog world as well as many websites are rich sources for both. Martha is even having a contest, with some nice prizes!

With Knitting Contrisstmas coming up in TEN DAYS (woo hoo) and lots of hands on preparations for the holidays I have to say that I'm really excited. Plans to get the trees and decorations up early this year have fallen behind a bit due to the visit this weekend of my Mom and her manfriend----- but it'll all work out.
What are YOU planning for the holidays? How hand-made are you? Please feel free to grab a 100% Hand-Made Holidays Button, over on the sidebar, if you're taking the pledge this season as well!
I have had my Mother's present bought since last Spring. Everyone else gets handmade. I really enjoy doing Christmas this way! Oh, I bought myself a gift this year. An Oregon Woodworker's swift. It is horizontal and I love it before I have received it! I was very close to going back to acrylics until I found this thing! I don't think I could wrestle with one more tangled skein of yarn without going nuts.
I'm sort of trying to plan for all knitted gifts, but I'm not brave enough to take a pledge! :)
What's up Miss Contessa?? You havent gottent that tree up YET?? What are you waiting for? I'll be there in two days!!! Get going!
Of course I'm on board for the Handmade gifties. Are you kidding??Wouldnt have it any other way. I'm all over that one!
And did you say MANFRIEND?? LOLOL
Hand made cookies is about as far as I go. Pizzelles and ricotta cookies, maybe some chocolate chip. Does Christmas dinner count for hand made?
Manfriend? Love it!
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