Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In Praise of Good Sewing Thread

I was reminded of the wonders (dare I say miracles) of good sewing thread Monday. Sewing was at its simplest, soothing, calming---- all because of thread. The fabric was muslin, my favorite muslin that I use almost exclusively, excellent Kona muslin all smooth and finely woven. Delicious really. A fresh needle in the machine (which quite frankly after looking at the photo could use a good cleaning!) and miles of straight stitching for narrow hems--- good thread makes the difference. Like many sewists I have a drawer-ful of thread. Some way too old, some fresh, some from the bargain bin, some fine quality--- some I don't even recall where they came from! The thread I used for the muslin Zen was Coats & Clark, a fresh matching spool. I have nothing but good things to say about it, and it had been a long time since I'd sewn with it, believe it or not!  My seams are sturdy, I flew along the seams at lightning speed with nary a break or bobble, it even seemed to make the tension wonderful!

I'll be going through that drawer of thread soon and tossing out the old maids----- the less than quality thread. Once and for all! I'll replace my thread with nice fresh spools of quality thread. Surely my sewing will be all the happier for it.

The muslin project? Something delicious---- I'll be sharing along with a technique for one step ruffling on long strips of fabric without a ruffler attachment.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

My motto is, "Life is too short for cheap yarn." Apparently that is true for thread also.