Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peace & Love

I have not painted the bicyclette, to my sadness. I think it is going to have to be all taken apart. Frankly this is the reason for my procrastination. Along with work and rainy weather.

There has been some knitting, unfortunately it was Stanley Cup Playoff Knitting and I've had to isolate a section on my shawl and will frog back the requisite 6 rows to fix and re-knit up that offending area. I've done this with cables gone awry and am hopeful that I can pull it off here too. Gulp. [Note to Self: Seriously, you know that you can't be all hockey-fied and count at the same time. Really!]

My blog friend Robyn from Still Waters Refuge posted the loveliest sentiment the other day on her blog. It's been with me, quietly percolating since reading it. I really feel obliged to share it & pass it on. Years ago I prayed for compassion and what came out of that was an entirely different life. In this place I do struggle with what to DO, how to help, how to be a part of the much needed cure and not just do nothing, frozen in my sense of inadequacy. Robyn's words, reprinted below feel warm and real and helpful.

What I can do

I care deeply for the world and all beings in it and though I feel a longing to help others, the need of this world is overwhelming, even if i knew what to do to help.

What I can do is pray.

I can hold Love, Peace, Wellness, Safety, Happiness, Freedom, in my heart for myself and all beings.

Prayer heals and readies me to meet everyone with compassion and loving kindness regardless of outward situation and need.

Prayer fills me with knowing we are all one.

Prayer allows me, as I sit quietly to let go with confidence that I am doing what I can do and that is enough.

Prayer frees me from fear and feelings of separation from God.

Prayer and silence clear my mind of uncertainly about what I can do and divinely guides and inspires me to do what I can do, be who i am and want what I have.

Keeping Peace and Love alive and present in my heart is what I can do to save this world.

Please join me.


Meredith said...

Tina, This is so lovely. I'll join you for sure.
Have a happy day,

Elysbeth said...

Waterworks! It's so true, sometimes all we can do is nothing except work our energy.

Robyn said...

Hi Tina-
thanks for sharing with your blog family.
Be sure to drop me a line(thread? yarn) if you are prayer specific.