KC: Mrs. Lear-------- you have a husband and children and a very busy life, yet you are incredibly prolific in your many endeavors! How do you do it all?
ML: There is time to knit when I am out and waiting for kids and buses. There is time to knit while listening to the news or waiting for water to boil. The Knitting Olympics project was very rewarding. I prepared the project before I started knitting and then knit that sweater exclusively. A little time spent organizing a project makes a big difference for me.
KC: Yes, organization is always the key and yet so difficult for many. As far as being a monogamous knitter---- that just might be bucking the norm for many creative people!
KC: Your photography has always been stunning, are you a professional?
ML: We have a fancy camera. I use whatever has been left out on the table, pushing leftover mail or plastic bags out of view. I am working on blocking the light with pieces of paper.
KC: That knowledge does make me feel somewhat better----- just knowing that you might have bits of things and a bit of flotsam laying about gives me a smile!
KC: Tell us what "The Runcible Bin" means and how it came about.
ML: Edward Lear, a Victorian poet, made up the nonsense word runcible and used it in some of his poems and limericks. My runcible bin is usually a cardboard box that holds everything I've been working on when it comes time to clean off the kitchen table. I've noticed that great ideas come from a collection of scraps and books.
KC: What is your favorite creative pastime among your many interests?
ML: Right now I'm concentrating on throwing pots and making ceramic whistles.
KC: Your interests are many----- and varied. How have you cultivated such a deep list of books, magazines and projects?
ML: I spend a lot of time in libraries and bookstores. I love to look through magazines like World of Interiors, Marie Claire Idees, and Living. I miss Blueprint and Martha Stewart Kids.
KC: I know that you are a knitter and you create lovely things! Do you think that women, especially creative women still feel compelled to try to squeeze it all in?
ML: I think people use rituals to make time for what is important. A family in love with freshly baked bread will often become devotees of the 5-minute bread movement. Suddenly the morning preparation of throwing the ingredients in a large tupperware twice a week is no more awkward to schedule than brushing teeth or taking the dog for a walk. I like to knit while watching movies or listening to people read.
KC: Tell me about your knitting! What is your favorite thing to knit?
ML: I try to have a bunch of projects in different stages, easy and complicated. I would love to make some Mary Walker Phillips wall hangings and use them as curtains. I would also like to make up my own personal gansey pattern.
KC: It has become well known that I am the only "throwing" knitter left on the planet these days are you a continental knitter. And when it comes to the discussion of both…..does speed matter?
ML: I knit continental style, doing that "lazy" purl, and knitting into the back of the stitch on knit rows.
KC: Are you a process or a product knitter?
ML: Both - I try to combine a beautiful design with wonderful feeling yarn.
KC: Is there anything in the world of knitting AND quilting that you have not done and wish to tackle?
ML: I would love to make one of the silver silk manhole cover quilts that I saw in a book of Japanese quilts once.
KC: Somehow I knew you were going to say something wonderful---- nothing mundane or simple!
KC: Are you a part of the Ravelry world, and if so, what is your Ravelry name?
ML: I love getting alternate color ideas for projects on Ravelry. My name is MrsLear.
Mrs. Lear, creator of the Runcible Bin, thank you so much for your constant stream of inspiration, the fabulous ideas and springboards that so many readers in the blogospere enjoy each time you post.
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Great to learn about someone new!
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