Following on from yesterday's field trip, heading to the 24th annual
AQS Quilt Show in Paducah Kentucky------------------ let's get out of the building, enjoy the gorgeous day, and walk a little bit. The difference is that it will be a bit of open space, fresh air, and definitely less people in a concentrated space! I don't want to sound like a misanthrope or anything but I can only handle so many people for so long!

Must be time for lunch, look at all those people! You can't even see the people in the back of the shot, eating underneath what is the hotel, there are tables set up in the parking part of the lot. Looks like lots of good food, and long lines! I have never ventured further for food than the collection of fast foods gathered here just off-site, let's walk into the historic part of town instead!

Walking towards the National Quilt Museum you pass the sidewalk with the quilters bricks--- and quite a few of them. Many are from a quilt guild and several honor a quilter who has passed. What a great legacy! I love the brick above "Be happy, quilt"! The truth right there, set in brick!

Here we are at the Quilt Museum............. a rather unassuming building housing some of the most noteworthy quilts from the past (and recent past).

The "Honoring Today's Quilter" sits above the entrance to the museum. I've been before, it is $6.00 to enter the museum (normally $8) and I can't photograph in there so we will just head on down the road. If you make the trip, a stop at the museum is a must do however, and the gift shop is excellent including many of AQS book titles. The
website is great and does have photos of some of the quilts inside, plus some added last year.

When you walk or drive through town almost EVERY business in town as well as on the outskirts has a 'welcome quilters' sign and are offering specials. Look, a quilter's buffet for $8---- but let's keep walking.

What a pretty fountain sitting in a lovely shaded courtyard------------ and the people here are SO nice at the door! A darling restaurant and totally charming staff?? That is a done deal, let's eat! (Oh please, let's eat!)

Who wouldn't want to eat here? Toucan! The menu is awesome and I'm starving, to be honest it is hard to choose! Soups, salads, great entrees------- what to do, what to do????? The prices are very reasonable and really, you can come and eat in a lovely atmosphere, be seated and relax for the price you would pay in the hot and crowded food court. There are (sadly) no fried twinkies on the menu but I think we can move past that! My partner (in crime) decided on a burger and onion rings (with a little bbq on the side) and I chose the blackened barramundi sandwich, a yummy fish. Casey, aka Adorable Waiter, said it was his favorite sandwich as well and I knew he wouldn't lead me astray!

Look!!!! After bringing us sweet iced tea, our adorable and excellent waiter Casey is bringing lunch! I can't wait! Casey IS cute as pie isn't he? It's almost hard to focus because there in his hand, on those fabulous plates, is LUNCH!

It tastes as good as it looks---- and even better! Delish blackened fish served with a spicy mayo and the salsa of mango. Homemade chips even------ how good is that???? I could just inhale it!
Now, completely stuffed, rested, refreshed and relaxed---- time to push on! I hate to leave the ambiance of the outdoor courtyard of Toucan, but there is shopping to be done and more quilts to see!

I'm ready to do some more exploring this lovely part of town and do some more shopping! This cute building on Kentucky housed several vendors---- as did several of the old buildings around town. In the back of this building I bought the cutest necklace made of buttons in the peach to taupe family--------- darling (and $10!) You know better than to ask to see it, it involves those pesky neck shots and all! I think I will wear it while I bride wrangle tomorrow!

I LOVE the cow wearing the quilt------ she (he?) makes an appearance every year in town. There are apparently no issues with the cow neck being photographed. I kind of hate that! Let's be serious, there is just nothing more festive than a patchwork festooned bovine!!!!

The windows are almost all decorated with something 'quilty'---------- and I have to say that I appreciated all of them but the one above had to be my total favorite! Is she a HOOT? The detail was just incredible!

She even has pearls on while she has her coffee! Too cute!

Let's run in for a quick cup of coffee, okay? The coffee of the day is chocolate raspberry, let's have it iced in a go cup while we wander. Yum!

Even the bakery has this incredible cake in the window---- love it!!! The little 'sign' on the cake says "Quilt City"!

Yes indeed, "Welcome to Quilt City"! This whole town opens its' arms and it IS a city of quilters for the week! I love the 'outside' of the convention center as much (if not more) than inside the site itself! But for now, it is time to head back, see the big prize winners and maybe squeeze in just a little more shopping.
Many lucky quilters are here for more than just a daytrip-----

Above is the board of classes going on during the show---------- maybe next year, I'd love to take some of these great offerings! I've not been in class with Charlotte Angotti since
Quilt Hawaii------ and I'd love to take a class from Jan Krentz and Bettina Havig! The list of teachers this year was very extensive:
- Alex Anderson
- Charlotte Angotti
- Bobbie Aug
- Eleanor Burns (who has a great storefront in town)
- Carol Burke
- Rachel Clark
- Susan Cleveland
- Beverly Dunivent
- Lisa Erlandson
- Nancy Finkler
- John Flynn
- Cathy Franks
- Gail Garber
- Klaudeen Hansen
- Bettina Havig
- Ann Hazelwood
- Suzanne Hyland
- Mary Kerr
- Rami Kim
- Jan Krentz
- Michele LaRue
- Linda Baxter Lasco
- Libby Lehman
- Suzanne Marshall
- Linda McDuean
- Angie Moody
- Laura Murray
- Kay Nickols
- Nancy Prince
- Mary Ray
- Becky Rogers
- Patricia Rodgers
- Londa Rohlfing
- Gerald Roy
- Marie Seroskie
- Margo Shaw
- Joan Shay
- Sarah Ann Smith
- Helen Squire
- Gabrielle Swain
- Ricky Tims
- Barbara Vlack
- Virginia Walton
- Pat Yamin
Whew! You KNOW those were great classes, like I said, maybe next year! On to more quilts!

Back inside the main building------ do you LOVE this quilt????? It is "Fairies at the Bottom of My Garden" by Joyce Hughes. The color, the detail and the spirit was really lovely!

You know I am all about anything Parisian!!! If I were still living in Hawaii I'd say "Cute, ya'?" I just got a kick out of it and thought that it might look quite chic in my French inspired ladies room. "Tour Eiffel" was created by Ann Wasserburger.
No photos from one of my FAVORITE booths---- (I do try to be very respectful and not shoot inside a vendors booth---)
Tammy Tadd Designs! It was pink and green adorableness, happy as can be, full of great designs, and for the purse wh**e like me, near perfection! I came home with a pile of lovely fabrics that you will no doubt watch in progress, a pattern, some purse feet, some fabulous extra wide rickrack trim, some purse handles, and probably more that I really don't want to discuss. You can find Miss Tammy online, and she even has a great
blog! Dear Tammy and Staff, how do I love thee??????
And it has become painfully obvious that I have lied to you! We're going to have to extend the Paducah field trip another day so we can be all fresh and perky to view the big show winners and dish a little!
More day three!
I love Tammy and her people as well. I'm having dinner with Tammy and Sherry at quilt market. Wahhooo. Thanks for the photo tour. Lunch looked good.
I wonder if Mr. Wonderful would notice that I planned a vacation for a quilt-fest...
I really think I need to attend this someyear. Someyear soon.
Looks like someone is having a BALL!! :o)
That quilt-and-pearls-wearing mannequin is awesome! Paducah's looking more fun with every pic :)
I'm so jealous! I've wanted to go to this thing for years. Maybe next time.
My friend went for the 1st time, and she loved it - but didn't take any pix, so I enjoyed yours.
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