Well, last post during out field trip to the 24th AQS Quilt Show in Paducah we had just finished lunch and had a nice stroll, a yummy iced chocolate raspberry coffee and done a little shopping. We'd wandered back to the building and were getting ready to enjoy the quilts for one last time before it was time to head back. I'd really like to be home before dark and I know the dogs are wondering where we are!
I don't have ALL of the award winners, sadly. MOST of them----- but not all. If I don't have them, that doesn't mean they weren't great---- okay?

In The Bed Quilt, Group-Mettler category--- a second place to "Tropical Splendor" from The Feather Princesses, the Tampa Chapter of the Applique Society. Love the name of the group, amazingly well executed and fab-u-lous. This is another really happy quilt..... and some of the pieces are beensily teeny! These girls are either quite young or they have the big two for old broads, Magnification and Illumination!

"Shadows of Umbria" won the Bernina Machine Workmanship award---- easy to tell why hmmmm? This would look SOOOOOOO good in my house that I think that winner Diane Gaudynski should give it to me just because. After all, we did wash out hands together in the ladies room! This quilt was really amazing, color, accuracy---- depth, texture--- wonderful!

Gammill Award winner, "Spirit of Mother Earth" was quilted to an inch of it's life, and yet every single stitch seemed to be needed----- y'know, some machine quilted pieces are maybe a tiddle over done??? This was was true perfection!

This is the "Mother Earth"
Back--- is it not absolutely amazing?????? It would take me a very long time to be this proficient in machine quilting no matter what machine I used! (If ever!) The backs of my quilts have never been the strong point, to even think that it might be hung so you could see both sides----- that'll get your attention!

Moda Best Wall Quilt winner Gloria Hansen created "Blushing Triangles"---- it was exquisite! While it is intriguing in photograph, you have to trust me that in person it was just perfection in details, the quilting was beensy!

It was super crowded when I was around the mini quilts, I'm sorry that the shots are not more detailed, I was just way over people at this point! You can see the detail of these mini's in perspective to the full sized people standing in front of them!

Check out this mini! It was jaw dropping in its' complexity! Truly beautiful, I can't even imagine how many hours were in this piece---- not to mention how in the world it was executed!

Judges recognition award sponsored by Possibilities: Sharyl Schlieckau and Libby Leman. The feathered stars just sparkled on the black background.

Hand Workmanship was beautifully traditional, and elegant at the same time. The quilt artist was Barbara Newman and this quilt is "Stardust". Loved it! I do tend to be a sucker for the 'classics' and this was classic and much, much more!

I'm very upset with myself that I don't have better notes on this quilt! Really, I'm so sorry! My notes say that is is the Best Wall Quilt--- but I am just not certain! If anyone has the show book and can correct me, please do, I just hate not to give credit where credit is due!
And without further ado----- drumroll please------the Best of Show Award 2008-------

"Spring of Desire" by Ted Storm-vanWeelden from the Netherlands. It is stunning! It's amazing really--- and hard to see from many angles---- the variegation of the black fabric and the intricate detail----- wow. Even if you don't love it---- you have to admit that it is different-unique-incredible-and just wonderful!

The big winners covered, I'll close with a quilt that just grabbed me for one reason or another. I love this quilt! I love the circle in the squares, I love the black and white check borders, I love the colors---- pretty isn't it?

And on the way to the car, we cut through the hotel for one last look (okay, it was really to buy more purse feet from Tammy Tadd)----- and you have to look at the Quilted Fashions! They were really fabulous! Entered for the 22nd annual AQS/Hobbs Bonded Fibers Fashion show ere great threads from amateurs as well as professionals. I only wished I had been able to have seen the show instead of just enjoy the mannequins!
Are you beat? Thirsty and a little hungry? Is your head swimming from such an abundance of creativity, color, and ideas? It is kind of like being fed a drink with a firehose!

Well, my feet hurt---------- and I am tired. My wallet did very well, actually I only overspent by 20 dollars which I don't mind telling you is record breaking! Woo Hoo! Since I am such a good girl, I think it is only fair to stop and buy a little treat from the bakery with the cute window! Kirchhoff's Bakery has the most wonderful delights! I scored a few cookies and some bread for a snack later.

Don't you just love the deli/bakery truck? Perfectly set into this wonderful small 'antique' town!
Now, let's head for home. We're going to add a half hour onto the trip by getting off the highway and taking the scenic small town way--- I love that! But first, because a field trip would not be complete without taking in a KNITTING SHOP---- let's stop there!

With Ewe in Mind------ out of the way for us, but that is okay! I had picked up a little flyer and it said that if you popped in you could select a needlepoint threader or knitting needle point protectors. Naturally I selected red protectors from the jar. It was very kind of them to extend a little freebie treat to knitters! The shop was great, they had a lot of wonderful knitted garment samples and particularly one from Berrocco that I was in love with! Please don't ask me the name Norah, I'm way too tired at this point to tell you what it was called--- although I could point at it in a book if pressed! :)

Yummy colors, and nice high end yarn! I wanted it all and even if I was not over budget (albeit slightly) I have promised NO MORE until I knock out the three wip's.
Okay--------------- time to go home. Let's drive through Sonic for a jumbo sugar free Cherry Limeade, okay? Delicious--------------- we can enjoy it with our cookies from the bakery.
Until next year.................... Paducah was GREAT! I had a fantastic time. Hope you did too!
Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed your quilt show post...even though knitting is my primary love.
Wow - Those were so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Theses quilts are absolutely beautiful! Pieces of art.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for including my quilt "Midnight Lady" along with the truly spectacular winners! I feel honored to have caught your attention. All the best, Sharyl
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