Yay----- they are off the needles! Soaked (and they bled a rusty red for quite a bit---) and blocked. Super soft now too!

Nothing elaborate but the final bit of take it and go knitting. Simple socks done on DPN's. Easy as pie and quite comforting to knit. I wish I remembered what the yarn is!

The furry leg in the upper left is not human. Really. Prince sees a camera and thinks that it must be time to record his handsomeness! I did shave my legs today and they looked ALMOST as bad as Prince's. I could not remember the last time I took care of that little detail and when it gets to that point, it must be past time. I used to shave my legs EVERY DAY. Now I think of all the time I have saved up! If you say that shaving your legs every day is ten minutes---- think of the accumulation of time down the drain! Literally! I can save over an hour a week!!!! HA!
Because I no longer live with a man (which is working out quite well actually)--- I find that I get pretty lazy about the whole hair removal thing. Except my armpits and well, furry pits are just sort of gross to me. Legs? During the winter I almost don't know they're there so it occurs to me less. Push had met shove and it was time to mow them. The funny thing is that I think I have forgotten how because I took a couple of nips out of my ankles. Maybe the razor was just rusty, that is entirely possible. I gave up todays ration of ten minutes and cut my ankles to boot!
But I digress, the socks are finished and I am ready to cast on for my new socks a la "
2 at a time Socks". I just need to find a bit of quiet time to hunker down and get it done. You know, the whole thing is a matter of befuddlement to me and I think it will go better if I relax into it a bit. I'm looking forward to it! Melissa I hope you get home from Disney World soon just in case the whole thing sends me over the edge!

When I came in from the studio this evening I was compelled to bake. Not just anything but CUPCAKES. At the bridal show I worked yesterday our booth was in between a dj (can you say headache?) and my very favorite wedding cake bakery in town. They have a shop not far from the studio that sells cupcakes. Big, fat, moist, thickly frosted mountains of heavenly splendor. I looked at those cupcakes all day yesterday. I smelled them, I lusted after them. By the end of the day I wanted nothing other that to fall face down into one, preferably chocolate with smooshy vanilla cream cheese frosting. Imagine my deep sorrow when they were OUT of them and I was forced to go home empty handed! All I could think about was those cupcakes, heck I had a dream about them last night. So I did bake chocolate cupcakes from a Nigella Lawson recipe using cocoa and sour cream, and the frosting was pretty much powdered sugar and cream cheese with a little vanilla and cream thrown into the mix. I am not suffering under any illusion that eating one means an extra half hour on the treadmill tomorrow. I ate two. Ack!

In the wee hours last night I was on a tear to find my vintage palazzo pants pattern. This means some serious digging through the pattern boxes on the tip top of the closet. I am pleased to report that I did find the pattern, well aged but now fully back in style and I can't wait to make a couple of pairs. (When, I have no idea but for the moment I am operating as if I can make them up at the drop of a hat!) Going through the pattern boxes I had a hoot! There were so many really old patterns! Many were vintage, classic, timeless and wonderful! There is a pattern for a really classic Chanel style jacket that makes me smile everytime I see it. I will keep them and maybe someday use them again. But there were a few that about had me falling off my chair as I rooted through the box. Above are exhibit a and b from the Can You Believe This category. I mean it is a well known fact, this ain't my first rodeo and I've seen a few styles or two. It is not a secret that my uniform in college was a long empire waist dress made from an Indian bedspread. Really. But the patterns in the photo above???? HILARIOUS! Very thankfully I report that while I was insane enough to find them attractive enough to purchase at some time in the past I DID NOT EVER SEW THEM. What shocks me is that these patterns are still in print.
I should probably hold on to them. They might come back!!!!!!!!
Or not............................
They look great!
And I just priced the digi scale I am going to get from WalMart - $20 bucks! :o)
Can I have a cupcake?? Very pretty socks too.
Also, I wanted you to know that your blog makes my day. So much in fact, that I awarded you a "Make my Day Award". I hope I have made yours. When you have a chance please stop by and check it out http://www.twocrazyknitchicks.blogspot.com/
Have a good one!
Great yarn choice for the socks! The colorway is very nice. The cupcakes looks just yummy!!
Those cupcakes look DELICIOUS!!!
what kind of frosting on those cakes?
those patterns are hilarious. i had a beige and white striped dress called: "the dress" that i wore way too many times. maybe i can dig out a picture.
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