The Cliff notes go something like this:
- It is COLD
- wedding show weekend
- my cards are done
- Cable Luxe perking along
- socks not so much
- I met my new plastic surgeon
In a liddatiddle more detail, it is dipdog cold! 32 F is not necessarily super cold but when you factor in that it was SEVENTY last weekend I think I just forgot momentarily that it was winter. When the winter weather came back I was caught unprepared. I am happy to be able to wear my Mitered Square sweater that generates such heat to run you out of its' woolly splendor into your skivvies in no time! Because of the cut of the sweater, it does not do a very good job hiding my post holidays less than flat belly.
My belly has not been flat since 1971, but we won't go there.

The socks are coming. Very slowly, which is surprising owing to their simpler than simple style. Maybe it is that they are boringly simple---- not a lot of inspiration to pick them up? It is for me a dance---- a dance between the need to have something that is packable and small, and totally mindless to whip out a row or two and not have to remember where you were or why----- but then it is dullsville. Oh well, c'est la vie! I am beginning to have the dreaded second sock fear that perhaps just maybe I should have split and weighed the yarn so I can be sure that I will have enough mileage for the other sock.

Work started bright and early this cold Monday morning with a meeting at 8 a.m. I didn't even have time for a cup of tea and a nice cup of Twinings Irish Breakfast is what keeps me running. After the meeting wrapped I was super excited to get to the lab for pickup because in the midst of the orders of the day were my new logo CARDS! Cute as pie, woo hoo. If you see me around, ask for one!
And while we're having that cup of tea together I'll dish for a minute about meeting my new plastic surgeon! HA! Remember, weekend at a chichi bridal show------- so the high end vendors there were not just for the brides but some for the MOTHERS! So it was with my new doctor. We talked neck over a quick 10 minute sandwich grab--- actually I talked with his wife. She is young and does not have neck issues believe me, but that lucky *B* never will! I just loved her. We started talking about my mother's neck which I have inherited and hate. Yeah, like I never talk about that. We talked about where my Mom had her work done, you know the place on television that is the in and out lovely neck emporium? The place that has her neck pretty much back to square one? Well I didn't know that they were not board certified, and really to expect much but a temporary high dollar job is asking too much. So we got down to the knitty gritty of necks. And more. I really think I need to go in JUST to find out the $$$. If for no other reason than the responsible reporting of aging knitters and their options! Right? I'm sure it is huge bucks---- but I want to know. I need to know.
I finished the show thinking that hey---- for a new neck and maybe even a mini lift I can drive this car for awhile longer! I'm not a car freak anyway, my needs are small------ good yarn, great needles, the occasional Starbucks---- and a wonderful neck! :) So I get into the car and would you NOT know it? The sucker will not start. Nothing. Nada. Friends were graceful and kind enough to collect me, jump the car and point me to the battery store but that was a stretch as it was almost 5 on a Sunday afternoon! The end of the story is that once again, I dearly HATE to be a woman alone in any sort of car joint. They see me coming and I don't know enough to argue knowlegeably. I can only follow my gut. And I think these particular men were trying to lie to me and make an extra buck or two. Time will tell. I did leave with a new battery wondering if the old buggy would hang in there long enough for me to trade in this old model for a new one----- at least the neck!
Ack! What's a girl to do?
I'll be joining knitters this evening for Kate Jacob's reading and signing "The Friday Night Knitting Club" and I'm really looking forward to it. Knitters, chit chat, coffee, knitting projects to oogle all add up to a great evening.
A great way to close a mad Monday and a wild weekend!
I always have more trouble with plain socks than complex ones. The plain ones seem unending. I did be Mine from the book on the plane to keep my brain moving!
Loved the Cliff Notes!
My neck is always what worries me. The "English" chin, or lack thereof, runs in my family.
Tina, about that fear of too little yarn for the socks -- if you have a second set of needles, weigh the yarn, sock on needles & extra needles and then weigh just the sock on the needles. If you have a kitchen scale you can do that often, otherwise you're stuck with a quick stop in the post office lobby.
The other thing I've done in the past is to wind a new center-pull ball from the free end and start knitting the second sock (or take all to the scale and try to get the new ball the same weight as the sock & old ball). I never cut them apart so I can use the last little bit possible.
Oh Tina,
Thank you for . . .
1) making me laugh so often.
2) letting me off the hook about writing my own blog. You do it so well, the world doesn't need me to communicate regularly with it. I'd be an old English-teacher-environmentalist drudge with no sense of humor.
3) for the carrot cake recipe. I've been making Great Aunt Shirley's recipe for over 40 years (yes, it's very good), but I didn't even know there was such a thing as sour cream frosting. I've been decking it with cream cheese frosting.
And something to consider regarding your neck . . .
TURTLENECKS! That's my preferred aging-gracefully-work-around. You're a knitter. You have infinitely creative pointy objects. They, on the other hand, have knives. You can rip out. They can't. Think of all the dashing designs. Think of that great Dick Tracy character whose turtlenecks were so long that they covered his mouth. Drat. I forget his name. [But I'm a sissy where knives or hospitals are involved.]
Now . . . about the jowls thing . . .
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