Second sock on the dpn's is approaching the heel flap. Almost! I had a meeting yesterday that lasted from 10:30 a.m. until after 3. It was horrifically long and thankfully I brought my knitting and no one tossed a hissy. I had 5 pointy ends I think frankly that it was futile. So I did get quite a bit done, even though they are simple as can be. You remember that I have the new Melissa Morgan-Oakes book and am dying to cast on for new socks using her method. Knowing myself as I do (and I'm old, I have had some time towards this considerable end) I know that I need to finish this last sock or it will just lay around taunting me. Perhaps and most likely for a very long time. I did however require new sock yarn, I had none for the new knitterous undertaking. It has been the only portion of my stash acquisition that has remained in control and I really don't know why.
When I got out of my meeting I headed immediately for the new yarn shop in town, I'd missed their big opening and because my friend RMS was working there yesterday it was a perfect time for my first foray to Knitty Couture. Easy to get to---- check, metered parking right out front--check, great and trendy location--- check------ so far so good! Once inside it was a soothing and inspiring mix of yarn, books, accessories and more all combined to fuel the fire to cast on. I had my socks with me and had every intention to sit and knit for a bit there on their wonderful couch or chairs but I apparently still carried some 'meeting agitation' and just couldn't. But I definitely will have to drop in and knit there for sure! Thi----- can I bring treats the next time I come in???? I was quite impressed by their selection. It's amazing that in a town such as St. Louis that there are so many great knit spots, each with their own flair and flavor and Knitty Couture is no different. I wish you well Thi, it is a great shop! I LOVE the sweater in the window, the Carrie B. Smashing!
Lovely yarn was purchased for new socks, in a wonderful colorway. I actually passed by the yarn--- but seeing a pair of socks for the shop in that particular shade changed my mind. It's funny how something can look funkitated in the skein and marvelously fab in the knit of it! Creatively Dyed Yarn, Exotic Flowers in #29---- pinks and reds and blues, I can't wait to see how it knits up. First----- the old socks OFF the needles. No, really.

See what I mean? The sock above resides at Knitty Couture. I think my sock pattern of choice in "2 at a Time Socks" is Sugar Maple, a simple bit of a narrow twisty rib. We'll see how that goes when I cast on, anything could happen!
The last bit magic that happens when you stir it in to the Secret of Life has nothing to do with the treadmill, the eliptical, or the gym. Nothing at all. It has everything to do with smiling and nestling in, at least for me!

I fully expect that the secret of life might change a bit going forward. And yes, I know that it eschews all spiritual and theological schools of thought----- all of which I fully embrace. But for the moment I can tell you without a doubt that a new skein of really bitchin' yarn, a bowl of plain and peanut M&M's, and a smile is worth repeating on your end of the screen!
Oh---- and let me know how the green M&M's are working for you! PLEASE check out the link, it will make your day!!!! Go on------ click it, no matter what your mood is you will be enchanted! Cute as, well chocolate!
I agree with the meaning of life except for the m&m thing, mine is dove chocolate. ;)
My friend is totally creeped out by the sexy M&M, so much so, that he can't eat the green ones now! I sent him the link just to shake him up. Happy Friday!
Any chocolate will do for me. Green and chocolate are actually my two favorite colors. How interesting, huh?
And you and your treats are welcomed anytime!
Cute socks and not what I would have expected from the skein.
I prefer my chocolate in the ice cream or hot fudge sundae variety, but will also take M&Ms too if I can get them.
Beautiful colors - yarn and m&ms!
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