After a really great evening last night I woke up bright and early with a Do Me List about a mile long---- sick. I never get sick, ever. So I'm icky and cranky and just well and truly outside the perky curve. I'm heading back to bed, at least for a few hours. Until push meets shove and I have to actually be productive (which at this moment seems impossible!!!)
So sorry...nothing worse than sick!
so sorry to hear you are sick, get well soon
just stopped by to say thanks for buying the book and I hope you cast an eye out for the next one to hit the shelves .I love your blog just wish the folk in the uk were more into blogging it might encourage me to put more in to it .
bye for now
hmmmm. Your book should have arrived, I'd think. The other people I expedited already have theirs. Very strange...
Hope you feel better really soon!
OOh! I got my 2-1 socks book and love it! :oD
I'm sick too. I just called in for a sub.
I get sick all the time though. I guess it is working with kids (nasty things) :)
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