Friday, January 18, 2008
Blankets for Angels
Friday, it is Friday! No wedding tomorrow, no bridal show on Sunday. Woo Hoo! What shall transpire, what waits in the wings is the almost never seen, seldom experienced weekend off. It has made the very long week that just passed pretty much worth it. Add to that the fact that it is just unbelievably cold (the high is 19 tomorrow) it is a perfect weekend to stay inside and putter. I tell myself that I will go to the gym tomorrow morning but you and I both know that it is a big fat lie. I baked a batch of Perfect Peppermint Brownies yesterday so showing up for some aerobic activity is actually a very good idea.
The mailman brought a package to the studio yesterday that contained the sweetness above. I should have tucked something alongside the photo so you could get an idea of scale. Carrie made several small blankets for Wee Angels! Beautiful and tiny little blankets for the babies we are contacted to photograph for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a nationwide program that offers a very needful service. "For families overcome by grief and pain, the idea of photographing their baby may not immediately occur to them. Offering gentle and beautiful photography services in a compassionate and sensitive manner is the heart of this organization. The soft, gentle heirloom photographs of these beautiful babies are an important part of the healing process. They allow families to honor and cherish their babies, and share the spirits of their lives." We are called far more often than we would like to photograph these Angel Sessions. Within the last few weeks there has been an explosion of phone calls from a tearful mother or father facing the loss of their baby and wanting to capture a memory. I have to say that I've been truly shocked by the number of families that are going through this! It is amazing to me that for what ever reason----- this happens at all, much less as often as it does. Carrie's lovely blankets are 12x12, soft and beautiful pieces of a white napped fabric, beautifully bound with white satin ribbon and they will be so appreciated. Along with the tiny bonnets and booties they'll join the collection of items that go along when these sweet angels are photographed for their families. Frequently parents don't think to bring along beautiful items of clothing to the hospital, for families who have no advance warning that their child won't live these little bits of love are imperative. I'm honored and humbled to receive all such items. Thank you Carrie!

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A friend who's daughter was born still in March was a beneficiary of NILMDTS photographs. They are amazingly beautiful and poignant and deep. It's a true gift to be able to give grieving parents some memory to hold on to. Thank you for answering the calls.
What a truly touching and worthwhile project.
I am so thankful there are kind and decent people like you.
at a Maryland yarn shop (now long closed) I used to run into a woman who knitted hats, sweaters and blankets for stillborn babies. She worked with both hospitals and funeral homes to make sure no angel would be unadorned. Her workmanship was exquisite, usually white, sometimes beaded. It was heartbreaking and heartwarming. Your generosity in doing the same is one of the world's wonders.
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