Definitely the Best Laid Plans. Funny how they always get mucked up in a big way too! Yesterday's location shoot had me out the door at 8:30 and back home at midnight---- a long day. Car knitting was pretty great, I just dug in and got almost done with the toes of the Twilight 2-at-a-Time Socks. Damn socks are going to kill me. I would have had them ready to kitchner but the best laid plan (one) was to take the back road. Well the back roads yesterday were filled with every piece of farm machinery possible going about 3 miles per hour. And on top of that the roads were so extremely windey and bumpy that I had to stop knitting for fear of losing what little breakfast I had remaining. [Note: We came home via the Interstate. Too dark to knit but easier on the tummy. ] I did hit the outlet malls upon arrival and get this--- I found NOTHING! What is the deal with that???? The upside is that it makes rationalizing spending money somewhere else much easier. I'm all about that.
Regardless, I was able to spend a few hours out on the lake yesterday and while it was work---- it was delightful! Our groom to be's boat was humongous with air conditioning and a little kitchen, not the boats of my childhood! Our couple treated us to dinner before the sunset shots and I enjoyed a "KickA$$"--- a sublime concocktion of Rum Runner and Pina Colada, side by side. Heavenly! Then grouper fingers that had been dipped in a crunchy coating of cornflake crumbs almonds and pecans and fried, served with a honey drizzle. Amazing. And the side? Fried potato salad, ordered at the insistance of our hosts. It was like nothing I'd ever had before and strangely addictive, kind of like fried cubed potatoes tossed in a mayo-ey dressing and served warm. I did not take photos of my food because the explanations necessary just weren't worth it!
I stumbled to work this morning and managed to get a head start on my desk before coming home this afternoon. Best Laid Plans (two) was to sit and knit, getting the socks finished. Instead I did some laundry (clean underwear is never highly overrated!) and got the house clean. You know me, when the house is clean I'm ready to get creative! My dog-sitter yesterday was a little messy and that makes me crazy. That and the smell of Pine-Sol sets my energy on high flame! HA!
I wandered into the sewing room for a deep breath of comfort ------ a little puttering to boot.

I'm ready to start cutting store-bought dish towels for a tote bag. Above is the 'look' of the finished project including the black handles. It's from one of the magazines this month and right now I couldn't tell you which one! The floral fabric on the bottom will actually be an outer pocket. Cute towels/fabric yes? It feels SO vintage!

Just so fresh and fun! Screams summer to me! I have some old vintage pins that were my gramma's and I think they might be a great finishing touch.

And I hauled out some great fabrics that I purchased at Tammy Tadd's booth in Paducah. I've changed my mind about a dozen times what this will BE when it grows up. Whatever, it will be great.

I have a dress............. it is a classic now (which means I've had it forever and love to bits) that I love to wear in the summer. It's blue with a HUGE Hawaiian design printed over the blue in yellow. Because the yellow isn't 'solid' it translates as an interesting olive-y color. Earrings to match have come and gone many times, somehow this dress has bad earring juju and I lose everything! I found the beads above at the bead shop last week and can't wait to finally get something fun cooked up to wear with the dress.
With that, I really ought to get back to it! Get Knittin'!
Hi there, Tina! I came over to your blog for a visit, thanks for your comments on my own. (Yes, I will post wedding photos afterwards)
Love those tote bags. I always see fabrics in the stores that would make great totes, but then when I think about all the knitting time I would lose by sewing, I sigh and leave my sewing machine where it is. Hidden in the closet under the spare towels!
Sounds fun...I guess your job has a few perks!
Oh man, if someone ever game me a fried sweet potato salad at "work," I'd never ever complain (or leave work) again. It really supports my theory that everything is better with some deep fryin'.
fried potato salad? I may need that.
I love the big pink and red and orange flowers. Love love.
That food sounds awesome! Fried potato salad? Can't go wrong with anythign fried.
Your fabric is bright and summery. I like it!
Love that towel bag your making. Great colors.
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