Saturday, January 1, 2011

Obligatory New Year Post

So, Happy New Year----- seems like you have to get that one out of the way. Personally I hope that 2010 gets the full impact of my pointiest shoes up its butt on the way out the door. Good riddance to bad rubbish!! May 2011 bring only the best, the brightest the healthiest, the most light and loving!!

Knitterly gift exchange this afternoon----- at Yo-El's house. Much fun was had by all. A little pot luck a little gifting, all wonderful. Did I mention great food and companionship?

What'd I get you ask? The most gorgeous necklace handmade by a knitter's mom in rhodolite and garnet and pearl. Yummy, I'll wear it often! Photographing it means a neck shot---- and if you are a blitter of any longevity you know that ain't gonna' happen! Lexie----- I just love it! Very much appreciated ma'am!

My gift went to Emily, who is just the greatest. I made "Headband in Alaska"...(boring name, yes?).... with a bit of fiddle and fluff for gauge, using Berroco Ultra Alpaca tonal. Soft, not too soft, nice long color floats. It "came" in a 'doorhanger' bag------ the right size to hang on a doorknob---- to collect a project perfect for popping out the door with, of course! I think Emily was pleased and I was pleased that it went to her!

I absolutely love this photo of Emily laughing------ LOVE this shot, it makes me very happy! Check out her rockin' that happy green Citron scarflette! She's holding the bag and the snuggly headband, I hope it warms her on a cold STL day, of which we are far from seeing the end, no doubt!

New Years is past........ even the Winter Classic is over. It seems that we're quickly puttering on to "regular life" which makes me very sad. My week of wallow is almost over. The Christmas is 85% down and will be all but a memory by late morning tomorrow--- it's all good. My flannel jammies while valient and stalwart friends this past week must see a little less of me. The knitting injury is still acting up, I'm "cross training" while putting together a little quilt that has been on my craved list for awhile now--- A Tisket A Tasket. I'm doing in almost exclusively in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" from Fig Tree Quilts. Delicious, just delicious. I don't know if it will help my sore wrist heal but it sure is fun to concentrate exclusively on fabric.

Hope your 2011 is everything you could hope for--- and a whole lot more!


Meredith said...

Happy New Year Tina. I agree I couldn't wait to see 2010 depart. Here is looking forward to a brand new year.

Anonymous said...

I have ended 2010 with a cold. I hope it is not an omen for 2011.
Knit on,

Emily said...

I love my gifts! Thank you, thank you.

Willow said...

Hi there~ thanks for stopping by Willow's Cottage. Yeah, I agree, my to do list is long and ambitious. Must be the meds...

Happy New Year!