Quite mean of me to ask you to notice the socks a la Melissa and Two at a Time Socks but there you have it.
The bride was sweet as pie too, wasn't she? It was a blessing to have had a military wedding (of sorts) on Memorial Day weekend, the groom was in the Air Force and had just come back from a tour in Iraq bless his heart! This bride was the last in a long line of children from a family that we've done all of their weddings. We knew two things going in, we'd see a lot of former brides and grooms all in one place, and that there would be loads of handmade bridal goodness.
Erica and her family made almost everything, and auntie even did the alterations on the wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses, in other words they fit--- always nice and unbelievably rare. The cake was made with love (and delicious), even the bridal bouquet and much of the rehearsal decorations. It made us all smile to see that much familial love all joined together for such a lovely cause!
Now, "Twilight"............... yes I do still have to pick up the gusset and get on with it and no I haven't done so. I've made progress, lets not go crazy now!
Summer Mindless Knitting has begun in earnest with a gloriously lovely cast on------ Pi Are Square by Elizabeth Zimmerman. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. What can you say for miles of glorious garter punctuated by the occasional lacey holes of yo's? Delightful! It is wonderful having such a project to tote around in the craziness of the season. The yarn is from KnitPicks, Campfire in Shadow--- a lovely laceweight. I'm knitting the shawl on Denise 9's, lacey and airy but not overly so.
Garden and planters have been finally filled with blossomy good stuff, I absolutely refused to let the chilly wet spring find me with holes in the garden bed when June came around! The squirrels, whom I hate with mad abandon, have taken to snacking on the lovely orange and red marigold blossoms. Other than spray them with a mixture of soap and hot sauce I really don't know what to do to discourage the evil brats!
"Made by Hand" by James Howard Kuntzler is about half read, thanks to the recommendation by Mrs. Runcible. LOVE this book, although a bit grim and even depressing in spots I am having a hard time putting it down. How I would love to be able to borrow Kelley Petkun's trick of reading a novel while knitting, it just doesn't happen for me and I didn't want to go the route of the book on tape. There are just some stories that need to come through the eye gates and be held in the hand, words formed in the mind and savored, this is such a book for me.
The camera will get drug out very soon for a bit of a show of the new shawl, the socks, the garden and the little quilted project that makes me smile.
Whaaaaaaaaat you are doing 2 socks at one time now! YAH!! Lookin' good!
Gotta love the mindless knit!
Good to hear from you and that your Memorial Day weekend was nice!
YAY!! (so far...)
I love home-made weddings.
Squirrels are devilish sneaky bastards. Today I discovered to my horror that the "beak marks" on the suet set out for birds were actually squirrel claw marks. He ate a whole glob in front of me! Bad bad creatures!
Hooray for the socks!
I love this *thing* of yours with the knitting brides. You should do a book!
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