Wrangling a bride on Saturday------ out of town engagement session on Sunday---- commercial shoots yesterday and today, plus a looming deadline on a bride-y article I'm finishing--today equates to crazy busy. I do want to share my knitting bride from last weekend---- she was a 'fierce' bride------ we have shots where she took a turn on some kids skateboard out on location, truly great!

The knitting in the photo is my mindless travel knitting, I had started it en route on Saturday morning. I loved my recent yarn acquisition, I was delighted when it arrived. But knowing my schedule for the foreseeable future made it perfectly clear that the darling cap, wrist warmers, bag and lacey mat from the enclosed pattern were not going to become happenin' thangs. Basically, I did a quick cannibalization of the yarn collection, wound it all up on my Dirter and tucked it into a travel bag to take on the run. A fast down and dirty, beautifully mindless log cabin style knit. I love the yellow at the center, very sunny and happy. I'm not sure how big it will be when it is all said and done, or the grand finale, for now the knitting is the pure pleasure of it. Rows of garter stitch paradise, in and out of cars and dealing with badoodles of details.

I'm zen knitting, staying calm and taking it all a second at a time! Am I the only one who takes on a project not as much for the finished product but for the pleasure of the sticks?
Love the bride shots. So much cooler than my shot with a giant penny 24 years ago.
When I was knitting in the past, I always loved the knitting, didn't care about the project in the end. I have bags of scarves and several knit bags just piled up never used. Just love doing it.
It's knit therapy. When I am done with a project, sometimes it's a let down. Finishing takes me forever to get to, since the knitting is done, so is the fun.
LUV that 1st pic of the bride!!! Haha! What a fun wedding to do! :oD
So what is the correct pronounciation of boucle??
Nope...I must say the majority of the time I knit fr the finished product! LOL Even though I do take pleasure in my sticks/process from time to time! ;o)
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