10 inches, although I can tell you from the snow that sneaked in down my boots that it either snowed more than that, or the wind blew drifts that were fierce. (Fierce..... my vocabulary homage to Project Runway!) Regardless----- it snowed. It was at times (like in the photo above) almost a whiteout. Can this be Missouri? Why, yes it can. The little nook in the photo is on the second floor and the most wonderful place to sit and watch the world go by.

Check out the size of those snowflakes! Notice the steps on the house across the street---- they are almost buried and the considerable slope of the yard seems flat.

That is sweet little girl dog Hana in the back yard---- poor thing. What is a dog to do when they have to potty???? I had to shovel a space in the yard for such necessary business!

As promised, photos from my painting adventure. The living room was the object of my efforts, the above photo is BEFORE. Sort of a very very pale celery green. This was the last room to be re-painted, and I've always wanted to give it a bit of a facelift but wasn't sure quite what would make this room sing out and say welcome.

Still BEFORE. Not bad, certainly a great room----- but just pretty blah.

Ta Da------ the after. With Hana on the couch of course. The color is "Fudge Bar" from Behr.

I have to say that I LOVE it!! Very warm, very cozy and the furniture as well as the photos and quilt are enhanced as well. The ceiling molding is a mid green, you'd almost call it avocado but that word is not very trendy! I left that molding green and it looks wonderful.
After digging out for an hour and a half late yesterday afternoon I'm actually good to head out to the studio. It's a full day including rescheduled tasks, that of course means that not a lot of knitting, reading or quilting will happen.
More snow on the way Friday. Whoopie!!!
What a warm and inviting room. Nice choice of color. Wow, 10" of snow. I guess a little payback for the 80 degrees on Sunday! Just kidding. We were suppose to get that storm.
Can't wait until Project Runway's finale tonight. It is certainly going to be fierce.
Love your living room. Looks so nice and cozy, like sit down and lets chat over coffee. And cake of course!
Wow!! Fabulous room, both before and after!!
what a color. fabulous. and fierce. now off to watch project runway...
I like it!! And you've just inspired me to get up off my bottom and clean my house.
I love the color. Of course, it would be bad for me, because I'd be forever staring at it and craving mocha, and I'd just have to MAKE some!
That is a lovely room. I love your furnishings and the little hints of colour.
Well done, my friend!
Love the wall color, esp with the green!
First of all, I LOVE the paint job. That is gorgeous, and I more than just a little jealous of your house. Thanks also for the vocabulary compliment. I had a great fourth grade teacher, and I've told her that I'm not sure that I've learned many new words since then. ;)
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