No apologies for being somewhat missing in action, wedding season is spinning up and things are just far too busy on the work end of life.
- busy
- raining
- raining
- raining
Never a very good combination! Saturday was the first 'big' wedding in the upcoming wedding season of wall to wall brides and we had to meet at the studio at 9:15. I'm always awake quite early but for some inexplicable reason I slept until EIGHT THIRTY!!!! I could not believe it! After racing to feed the dogs and get dressed, I put makeup on in the car (I never do that) and got to the bride's hotel on time. All day long though I had that chasing my tail feeling, ack. I was so entirely off my game that I didn't bring along my knitting, NO knitting bride photos, what a major bummer is that? Geez. While I did manage to sneak in a run through Starbucks for a peppermint mocha (ah....) there was no real food until 10 that night. Wedding cake doesn't count, does it? Knit group was yesterday----- thanks girls, it was divine. Knitting, politics, laughter, more knitting and chai gelato, who could ask for more???
Those very familiar socks in the pic at the top of the blog ARE the Twilight 2 at a Time socks in progress. The very socks I shall still be working on when I am in The Home For Wayward Knitters. No doubt about it, and it is okay. I think that another couple of inches and I'll be ready to turn the heel. Woo Hoo. I don't hate the process anymore, but I don't look forward to it, still don't pick them up and pop off a few rows like I do when I have socks on the trusty dpn's. It's better, but not brilliant!!!! News at 11.

Today is opening day for Cardinals Baseball so spring is here, no matter what the weather says! And the weather says it is gray, slightly chilly, damp with thunderstorms in the forecast. Ack. Play ball!

I had to go in search of spring this past weekend as a matter of fact. Well, except for the yard which more than amazingly needs to be mowed. I'll be hauling out my green little push mower sooner than later. Most joyously, I did find signs that spring WILL arrive, even late! My peonies are pushing through the ground, their pink shoots growing a bit more each day---- and I can't wait, I adore peonies!

And who could ever have imagined that as horrible as the winter was, all 30+ inches of snow we had, that the parsley would volunteer to come up again! Lovely!!!

And of course the chives are off to an early start------- very soon they will be calling me to create one of the very best tastes of early spring, a fresh omelet of asparagus and chives with maybe a sprinkle of fontina cheese.
Ahhhhhhhhh, ending up with a peek of green and the promise of spring! I feel better already!
Now to lace up my shoes and get back out the door before the storms come..........