I'm foofing up the inside of the house a bit for fall, y'know some leaves and fall colors, candles, different table settings, etc. While working on it it occurred to me that I didn't do the fall spruce up last year at all past maybe putting some cinnamon candles on the table. Don't ask me why but there must have been a great reason.
Yard work called (the Outdoor Foofing) so I got mowed (ack!) and overseeded with perennial rye, the fertilizer was spread a bit over a week ago. By this time of year I am just DONE with the yard, ready to move on and swearing that I will never mow the dang grass again! Of course, by the time spring has arrived after a dreaded winter I'm raring to go and first in line at the nursery to pick up plants and get the blades sharpened on my mower. Maybe the mower is the problem, it is one of the push mower types and when the lawn gets to the end of the season and is all thick it is a hard slog let me tell you! The watering is done, the yard smiling and I have some time to grab a bite and commune with my leggings.
I plan on stopping by the neighborhood knitting group this afternoon for the first time. I haven't been yet and have to say that I'm looking forward to it---- nothing like knitters y'know!
And as if the day off could not get better----- the body of the mitered sweater is blocking and looking pretty good!

Putting a bigger smile on my face is the fact that Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters is on tv tonight, great knitting company indeed! I'll be coming home from knit-chat to mashed potatoes, green beans and thin French-style pork chops with a cider-mustard cream sauce.
I think it's Happy Sunday! :)

I dug my prayer flags out of the bottom of the heap in the closet. (Don't ask about the heap... you know you probably have one too!) I made them last year in my Reiki Master class and haven't put them to use at all. I do love the sentiment------ to place your dreams and wishes onto a flag, when they move by breeze or movement, the imbued thoughts for those dreams are scattered into your space. Love that! Abundance, love and longevity were only a few of my flag string. These are up for the moment in my sewing room, it looks very happy in there. Perhaps it will stir my spirituality a bit as well!
the coat looks beeeeaaautiful.
OOoohh your mitered sweater is looking gorgeous! You know I LUV me some NORO I can't wait to see you wear it!! Yah dye lots truly do not matter with NORO! LOL :op
Can't wait to hear about your 1st knit group!
And WOW! What a great Sunday dinner you have lined up and I love when I have my favorite TV line up to knit too! Makes it for a perfect day! YAH!
I like your prayer flags! I never heard of them before!
The sweater is looking great! It looks like fun too!
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