I am telling you that life is so crazy right now I have forgotten how to swallow. My Mom used to say it was "crazy then you fall down". Pretty accurate if you ask me.
Brides are keeping me on my tip toes (which should come as no surprise to you if you get the whole bride thing anyway). Soon the thick of the season will be in the rearview mirror and I have to admit I'm ready for it.
Not a lot of knitting time, which is frustrating as the cool weather definitely wants nothing more. I have managed to put some length on the back of the Valkyrie Vest and it would be off the needles and on to the front if I could just sit down a bit with it.

It is looking good, I love the pattern----- and really enjoy the yarn a lot.

Then yesterday my eyes rolled back in my head and I apparently had the crazy part before the fall down. A friend (the wonderful
Yo-el) finished a gorgeous bit of lace frothery in the form of a shawl(ette), Feather Duster. It is yummy. So to make a long story short, my car drove itself to
Knitorious where I found myself standing in front of the lace weight yarn (after crusing the store of course). I purchased this really pretty skein of Cascade Yarns Alpaca Lace Paints. It runs from red into purples and saffrons. I had a ball of fuzzy purple in my hand but decided to go with something different. WELL------- I had a couple of hours while waiting for things to upload and the obligatory on the phone time to work things out. Nothing made me feel more stupid than getting this pattern set up. I am not a total moron and can follow a chart but the chart didn't seem (in my addlepated mind) to sync with the written directions. After frogging the first 7 rows five times it was time to close up shop and head out for knitting. Sanity time in my week for sure. It took Silvana and I a bit of time to figure out that the charts numbering system does not match the number of rows currently done, or that are on the written directions. A simple enough thing but blitters, it did me in. I'm still wondering if I am just too crazy right now to have the wherewithal to manage even this simple bit of lace knitting. Time will tell.

This is apparently the fall down portion of crazy. You know, when you already have 3 projects on the needles (one over my personal limit) one easy peasy, one middle range, and one to concentrate over. But-------- this sweater has called my name and next in the queue. It is Lloie's Cardigan from Schoolhouse Press, Wool Gathering. Delish. We had fun at knitting yesterday nailing down colors, I have chosen a navy background with the leaves in a rasperryish rose and a soft gray. The top petals are cream, the stripe on the border is also cream with the "surprise" color, a tiny little pop of a dot, in an emerald green. My question was black background or cream? I was afraid that the black would be boring against the navy body of the cardigan but that the cream would somehow float off and get lost. All great minds concurred and I'm pretty certain that this is the combination I'll go with. Knitting bottom up in the round, attach the sleeves, a fun yoke and steeking------- yay. But I am going to force myself to get at least the vest finished first.
Part of crazy then fall down is that you are apt to do nutty things so time will tell how plans play out.