Well Friday it is, at long last. My days of madness have sort of exploded exponentially over the past couple of days and it has caused me to come smack up against projects and deadlines and has caused some radical reorganization.
I got a call that my (birth)Mom is having surgery this next week in Phoenix. She only tells enough of the story to get you by (as most mom's do) and upon closer inspection of the tale, surgery can't wait because there are 'suspicious' polyps in her colon. Her beau had insisted that she have a routine colonoscopy, and she complied. They are newly in love and we all know that when you find the love of your life you want to maximize the time you have with them, especially if you are not exactly in the bloom of youth. Her colonoscopy revealed polyps that could not be easily removed so surgery was needed, and their pathology suggests cancer. We have a big family wedding the week after next and her surgeon strongly recommended that she do the surgery and send her regrets to the bride. Quite telling I say. During surgery they will remove 10 inches of colon, the lymph nodes and other things necessary to make sure that any and all cancerous and pre-cancerous things are removed and which will give her the best chance for clear seas ahead. I made flight reservations immediately. Two one way tickets ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) one into Phoenix and returning at the last possible moment flying into Kansas City so I can scoot into the family wedding (we are shooting it) the next day. Back again if that should be necessary.
The wrinkles (and aren't there always wrinkles??):
- I can't take my laptop as while I'm away someone will need it to cover the things I do to run the business on a daily basis
- Those other two huge projects in the works? Gonna' have to wait. I need my computer for them.
So I guess you file that into the Oh Well category. Life has taken things out of my hands and I shift roles.
On the upside, there should be a LOT of knitting happening! I might even take a quilty project along.
Wisteria is still much loved by me, I've moved the stitches that will become the sleeves onto waste yarn and am heading down the body of the sweater.
Another upside is that one of my favorite yarn stores on the planet is near the hospital where my Mom will be. When she and her honey are making eyes at each other I plan on heading to Jessica Knits--------------- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Retail therapy with kindred souls. I have a feeling both will be needed. Girls.............. put on a pot of tea, break out the tequila, show me your best stuff, I'm on the way!
Once again I am reminded that when we are the busiest making plans and up to our proverbial eyeballs, life steps in to gently (and sometimes not so gently) take us in another direction.
Big Big Big wedding tomorrow, there WILL be a knitting bride (sporting Wisteria in progress of course), followed by a couple of days trying to clear the decks and get ready to head off next Wednesday.
Until then I'll be knitting in the box at the ball game tonight, the Cards are in town and a beer and a hot dog or two sound like wonderful ideas!!! The website(s) go live this afternoon and with that one enormous project off my desk a brisk evening blowing off some steam will be wonderful.
Hugs, thoughts and prayers come your way. Just keep on keeping on one day, then another. We'll be here when you come back.
I'll be thinking of you. I hope she's ok!!
OH gosh Tina. Sending best wishes to you, your mom and your entire family. Hang in there. All the other stuff will work its self out around you.
Oh no tina! I'm very sorry to hear this. I truly hope the polyps are benign (they could be I have seen it before), and that your mom has a speedy uncomplicated recovery.
Be strong and positive sister.
Good thouhgts your way.
Oh Tina! I'm so sorry for your mom and you! But you are tough and smart and more ready to help than you can imagine. Hang in there. Yes, definitely take Wisteria and maybe some dumb old scarf with you too so you have something mindless to do as well. And I remember that socks on circs make great waiting room knitting -- you can easily stuff them back in your bag as you hop from seat to seat...
I am so sorry about your mom. I hope everything will be ok.
Love those Cards games. I cant wait to go to a few once I'm back in town. My son works on the Frank Opinion radio show and gets to go to lots of games. Have you heard him???? Bill Clevlen???
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